I'm sad. No I'm mad
I lost the best white shirt I ever had
It was a V neck
What the heck
I stand in front of my closet wrecked
What do I expect?
For it to magically appear?
I can't sleep I'm wondering where I left it
Did I leave it on the stage after the show? Dangit
Now what?
I guess I'll go out and buy another one
But I don't think I'll ever find a better one
I remember the fabric was soft
And that pisses me off
Cause I don't have enough
To go by more stuff
I'll just forget about the damn shirt
This is ridiculous
Guten nächt
Gotta remind myself its friggin 1am
And instead of sleeping I'm worrying about when
When and where
I misplaced my shirt
Tomorrow I'm really gonna feel like dirt
All drowsy
All because I lost my white shirt