I think I'm addicted (to the way you touch me)

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She could see it on everyone's faces. Like, literally everyone. They, herself included, were all pretty damn confused about why Lauren had just stormed out of the rehearsal, on the brink of tears, for no apparent reason.

Camila was sure there was a reason.

A reason for her abrupt departure from the rehearsal today, a reason why she snapped at Ally so hard yesterday she was reduced to tears, a reason why she didn't talk to Dinah for three days because she ate the last ritz cracker, a reason why she not-so nicely made fun of normani's dancing ability (even though they all knew it was way above all of their own), a reason why she yelled at the stage director for putting the place marker in the wrong place in one of their shows, and a reason why she had avoided all fans, and social interactions for a while.

She just...didn't know what the reason was.

And she wasn't the only one, apparently.

All the girls looked about as perplexed as she did following Lauren's departure. They all knew something was up too, it just wasn't like Lauren to be like this without a reason. Lauren loved people, her fans, the other girls. She respected each and every member of their crew backstage, and was always as kind as she could be to everyone she knew.

Camila sighed.

Snapping out of her little daze, she realised that all the other girls were staring at her.


Dinah grinned wickedly, Ally smiled sheepishly, and Normani gave a little chuckle.

Oh god. They had done something. For sure. She was in so much trouble. Closing her eyes, as if to prepare herself for the metaphorical blow, she said, "What did you guys do?"

"Us?" Dinah said, her face the picture of innocence. "Nothing. Yet."

Camila's eyes narrowed in suspicion.


"Well, what you're going to do is go and talk to Lauren and see if you can remove the stick that's been up her ass all week because we're kind of done with it. Like, she managed to make little miss sunshine over here cry yesterday and we all know how uncool that is." Normani said, clearly being done with all the waiting.

"Why me?"

Dinah, Normani and Ally all gave her a pointed look.

"Well, for starters we all voted whilst you were off daydreaming and secondly, Lauren is always more agreeable when you talk to her. You're like one giant weak spot for her."

Camila shrugged. She kind of supposed that one was true. But, in the same respect, it wasn't like she didn't have the exact same weak spot for Lauren, maybe even bigger. It's just, something about those big green eyes, pouty lips and raspy voice got her every damn time.

Camila sighed. She guessed she was talking to Lauren.


Knocking hesitantly on the door to the bunks on the bus, Camila silently made a list of all the things that could possibly go wrong right now.

Lauren could hate her, Lauren could shout at her, Lauren could be upset with her. The list was lengthy. It did not help calm Camila down in the slightest.

Camila knocked again, to no avail.

Sighing, already resigned to her inevitable fate, Camila just decided to go for it as she walked through the doorway straight to the opening of Lauren's bunk. Stopping just short of the curtain, she heard soft sniffles coming from inside, muffled slightly by what she could only assume were the blankets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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