229 9 0

June 11th, 1:24pm

*teabag23 renamed the conversation to we're adults now*

teabag23: can you guys believe we are actually adults now

cornnison: no

hasselhoffan: no

hamrtime: yes I believe it

teabag23: see this is why I added torb
teabag23: he is optimistic

lacroix_a: hello

teabag23: omg hi amelie
teabag23: how was graduation

cornnison: you never asked me how MY graduation was

teabag23: I was there
teabag23: I saw you accept that diploma with your cheap ass smile

hasselhoffan: me too

cornnison: right

lacroix_a: my graduation was fine
lacroix_a: how was your guys'?

hasselhoffan: mine was great!

teabag23: same

cornnison: same same

hamrtime: my graduation was good

gerardbaguette: Amelie give me your phone number

cornnison: oooo gerard is tryna slide into those dms ;)

lacroix_a: bye

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