In a quaint little town nestled in the hillside of Doran, lived a quirky teenager named Lillibet. Lillibet and her younger brother Lance loved to go on frequent escapades.
One beautiful spring morning, Lance and Lillibet were walking alongside a stream. 'I wonder what's there on the other side of this stream', said Lillibet. 'Only if there was something we could use to cross this stream,' replied Lance. As they walked through the vegetation looking for a way to cross the stream, they chanced upon a bridge.
'No one has ever ventured this far ever since the landowners wife died', said Lillibet. 'How do you know this?' asked Lance in surprise. 'Well, when I was younger, mother told me about the strange circumstances surrounding her death explained Lillibet. Soon, a very strange and desolate looking house caught their attention.
'I think we should be leaving' exclaimed Lillibet. 'Not yet, let's just look around', said Lance. Being the curious little fellow he was, Lance went even closer to inspect the house. The house looked like it had been vandalized at some point of time.
'Lance, if you are done poking around, can we go home now?', asked Lillibet. 'Come on Lillibet, why are you in such a hurry?' 'Don't you like adventures?' questioned Lance. Just as she was thinking of a reason to not go in, her brother pulled her into the house. In all this Lance didn't notice a rat inching near his feet; soon he felt something scurrying up his leg. Very terrified, he yelled his lungs out 'The house is haunted, it is haunted'. 'It's just a rat Lance', laughed Lillibet. Forgetting how scared she herself was, Lillibet pulled up her brother to his feet and they set to examine the house.
In the living room they found the family photo on the wall. Lillibet looked at it and said, 'Dear my, this family had nine children'. They then looked into the kitchen and went upstairs. There were three bedrooms. They were about to open the door of the third room which was occupied by the landowner's wife, when suddenly they could feel someone moving inside the house. They saw something dressed in white walking, rather floating towards them eerily.
ContoLillibet and Lucas are adventurous and love to explore. They live in a small town called Doran near a forest. what happens when the decide to go to the forest one day to explore it.