Inspire Me - A Nick Jonas Love Story

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                                                       Chapter One: Choose your Weapon

Car rides can be very awkward; especially when you can't stand to speak to the people you are with. All you cab really do is sit there and watch the yellow lines on the road pass by quickly, one by one. I turned to look at the world around me ... Texas. I was never really into the whole "country" vibe. So of course I would probably hate this. At least I would have all of my old things and know a few people here. I keep trying to remind myself that it could always be worse. I stared up to the front seat where my parents sat. My dad had dark brown hair and green eyes that watched the road carefully as we approached our destination, with one roughened hand gripping the wheel and the other delicately holding my mother’s hand. I couldn’t look at my mom right now I was too upset. My dad was always the easiest to forgive, but my mom’s attitude made it difficult for me to forgive her for her mistakes.

 I looked at the rearview mirror and saw my dad glancing at me with an apologetic smile on his face. I blankly glared up at him trying my best to hold back the urge to forgive him now. I started playing my my soft curly hair and searched for the two long blonde streaks that framed my face and made my brown hair pop out more.I soon returned to my thoughts... It was too difficult to forgive them, and  they had every right to feel horrible about what they were doing to me. I was used to them dropping me off with grandparents but now they’re gone and all my parents can do – so they think- is send me off to my godparents. I’m almost nineteen years old now and since I don’t have a job and I’m not at college, I have no say in where I go. Luckily I love the family I’m going to. I have no blood relation with them so it makes it easier to get along with them. And my best friends live there. Nick and Joe- Joe doesn’t really live there but is always around especially during the summer.  Anyway, I’m staying with the Jonas family… well the ones that are still there. Denise and Paul are my godparents, Nick is one of my best friends and I love Frankie like he’s my little brother. Kevin is married and out of the house so I wont see him all that much, but we have always had a big brother little sister relationship he is always protecting me from harm and annoying me to death at the same time. However I love him anyway! Joe is my best friend since I don’t have many friends back home… I guess I can’t call Seattle my home anymore… but he can also be a little bit protective like a big brotherJ. Nick….Nick….Nick… I let out a small sigh but hoped my parents didn’t notice it. Nick is a great friend, but I wish it was more than that. He is less than a year older than me and he always holds it against me. He knows how to cheer me up when no one else can even begin to try. I’ve always had a teeny little crush on him, but when I see him tonight I’m sure it’ll only become worse.

I lost my train of thought when the small car I was in turned into a drive way that lead to the most incredibly beautiful house.  I had only been here once before but it was just as amazing as I remembered maybe even better. Then after removing my eyes from the house and with the car coming to a stop I saw them… Lined by the door was Frankie, Denise, Paul, Joe, Kevin, Danielle, and finally Nick.  It all came flooding back my emotions sped back and I remembered how much I liked him. I opened the door and got my suitcases from the back. Nick and Joe rushed over to help me and I was left carrying only one small pink suitcase up to the house and the rest of the people. As soon as the trunk slammed to the car shut, my oh so loving parents drove off without a single goodbye; not that I expected one anyway.

Denise must have saw the pain in my facial expression because she smiled softly as if she felt my pain." Hi, you've grown so much!" she smiled and brushed the light brown curls away from my face to get a better look at me. 

"Yes she has." Joe muttered unintentionally to himself. and then looked slightly embarrassed when he realized everyone heard him. Nick shoved him just enough to throw him alittle bit off balance. Nick.... Nick.... ugh this would be interesting. He smiled when he noticed I was staring at him. I looked back to Denise.

When she was done glaring at Joe she returned her gaze and spoke again. "Come on, we'll show you your room and then you'll need to get ready quickly we are taking you out to dinner tonight so dress formally." I nodded silently and then Joe and Nick took my lugage upstairs and showed me to my bedroom. It was across the hall from Nick's and two doors down from Joe's old room that he sometimes stays in if he is visiting. The door next to mine was a guest bathroom but they told me I had my own bathroom off of my room so I wouldn't have to worry about sharing with them. Joe set down my first twoo suitcases and them Nick came in with two more. They set them on my black framed bed, with a canopy, and then turned to me.

"We'll let you get ready and settle in. We want to leave at about 6:25ish, so you should probably hurry. "Nick spoke and Joe walked out first then just before Nick left the doorway he spoke again, "It's nice seeing you again... You look great." He had a light pink tint to his cheeks and then before I could say thank you he gently closed the door and I began searching for a dress to wear tonight. I searched through layers of light pink tanks and summer shorts, and then finally I found a little black dress. It was a tube dress with a short zipper at the top and it was bunched together all the way down so the fabric wasn't completely flat. It was strapless but with my small chest that wouldn't be much of a problem. All I was concerned about was it riding up and giving poor Joe a heart attack. I slipped my dress on and pulled on my baby doll pink heels. Packed up a gray clutch with my iphone, lip gloss, and some mascara. I was ready just in time and slowly made my way down the stairs, careful not to slip and fall I held on to the railing. I took a deep breath and awaitd the reactions of the others... mostly one in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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