Chapter 4 - Time with Harry

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Harry Potter kissed Ginny Weasley on the landing at the base of the stairs in the entry hall of Grimmauld Place. They’d come home earlier that evening, just after supper. Kreacher treated them to a sumptuous late night snack as they sat, snuggled up together, in front of the telly until gradually their snogging was receiving far more attention than the show.

“Shall we go up?” Harry suggested.

Ginny giggled a bit but followed him willingly when he turned it off, turning to kiss him again when they came to the first floor landing. Harry returned it and she giggled a bit more.

“What?” Harry asked with a smile.

“I was just remembering how you promised to make it up to me for last night,” she said suggestively. “Do you remember?”

            “I absolutely do. That’s what I had in mind,” Harry said in a low tone as he kissed her again.

            “Are you really in the mood after all that bit this morning with Mum and Dad?”

            “Ginny, Ron and Hermione are going to have to work out their own problems. So far, we’ve worked out ours.” He kissed her again. She returned it a bit anxiously. “Are you?” he asked.

            “Maybe, I’m getting there,” Ginny said and she slid her arms around his neck, kissing him again. “It made a difference, us being engaged.”

“Yeah, it did,” Harry replied between kisses.

“And they are all happy for us, aren’t they?” she said grinning happily. “Everyone; my parents, all my brothers…even Dudley.”

            “Yeah, they are.”

Harry kissed her neck and Ginny leaned back, reveling in his touch, purring at the thought.  Just two nights ago, they had gotten engaged. She’d been happy about it when Harry had brought her back here on that evening, but nervous too about the reception they might receive from her family. Now though, they had her parents blessing, that of all their family, and the approval of their friends.

Ginny was so happy she was nearly bouncing on her toes. Harry had actually done it, he’d asked her to marry him, she had said yes and they’d been on cloud nine ever since. The thought made her smile. The fact that there wouldn’t be a wedding for at least two years made her smile even broader. Harry was hers. People would just have to get used to seeing them together, they would have to accept it. Harry Potter was officially off the market, and yet neither of them would have to give up their independence too soon. They would be there for each other, allow each other to grow and continue to mature, and when the time was right, they would wed. In the meantime, they would have each other and nights like this. Ginny felt her pleasure in his advances grow, anxious for him to lead her upstairs and yet not as the anticipation for what was to come enthralled her.

“I love you Ginny Weasley,” Harry murmured as he kissed her beneath her ear.

Ginny shivered at his touch. Oh how she loved it when he did that.

“I love you more Harry Potter,” she whispered back teasingly. 

“Oh you do, do you?” he whispered back with a chuckle as he continued to kiss her along her jaw, his hands on her back, pulling her ever tighter against him.

Being shorter than Harry, Ginny was standing one step up from him on the landing, allowing Harry to stand up straighter than usual to kiss her, aligning her torso much more evenly with his as they did. A soft moan escaped Ginny’s lips as she felt her body press into him. It had been only two nights since she’d last been here, at Grimmauld Place, in Harry’s arms but it had been nearly four months before that and the longing that had enveloped her during that time had not yet faded. Her body grew warm as her desire to be with him flooded through her, and she knew as she pressed against him that Harry was feeling it too. Through the muggle clothes they both wore, the feeling of it was unmistakable as he kissed her, their passion increasing with each passing moment.

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