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Ryuji had never liked the taste of the coffee. He always prefered some other drinks, like a fresh soda or a sweet energy drink.

To be honest it wasn't just the taste, all the memories related to it didn't improve the situation. When Ryuji was still a child and his father was still with them the aroma of the coffee filled almost everyday their house. His mother made it for that stupid asshole trying to sover him up. Most of the time it didn't work or his father just tossed away the cup, letting it smash on the floor.

Often the Phantom thieves had met at the Leblanc after a long and tiring day in the Mementos to sip that delicious, at least for the others, coffee, kind of leaving aside Ryuji and his soda.

Ryuji really didn't like the coffee, we could say that he almost hated it.
Until that day.

That day when, after stealing another Treasure, him, Ann, Morgana, Yusuke and Akira went to Leblanc, to celebrate another victory of justice.
They had fun all the evening, sometime they had been scolded by Sojiro for the too much noise.
They sung at the karaoke and ordered take out at the Big Bang Burger.

After the sunset came down, they all came back home, except for Ryuji.
It wasn't the first time his best friend asked him to stay the night, and Ryuji didn't mind, he liked to spend time with Akira.

"Dude I'm exausted!" The blond said before letting himself fall back on the couch. He already changed, putting on the shirt that he always leaves to Akira's place.
"You worked hard today, have some rest." Akira gave him a soft smile, as usual. And as usual Ryuji felt something warm inside his chest.

Then Akira turned his back to him and went downstairs, leaving Ryuji with a confused look.
It didn't take long to head back with a small white cup in his hands.

"Whatchadoin, dude?" He sat straight and approached his friend. Then he smelled that.

"Just some coffee. Sometimes I drink it before going to sleep."

[It doesn't have a lot of caffeine in it so Akira will still be able to sleep, even if probably someone won't let him rest, SHhh]

"Huh... That's weird man" Ryuji sighed and sat on the bed next to Akira.

"Maybe?" Akira just shrugged and took a small sip of the black drink.
Ryuji couldn't help but notice that the boy next to him had some thin lips, that became rosier at the contact with the warm coffee.

Akira felt the gaze of the blond on him and turned toward him, causing Ryuji to quickly look away.

"Want to take a sip?"

"W-What no- You should know I don't like it-"

"Yeah yeah but you seemed so focused on it so I thought you wanted to try." Akira chuckled a bit and damn if he was right, Ryuji was focused on something, but that wasn't the coffee.

Actually, everything Akira says is right for Ryuji. After all he is his best friend, they can understand each other perfectly, like real best friends!... Or more than that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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