Once upon a time / A Teen Wolf fan fiction

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My name is Gwen Ryder. I just moved to this creepy town called Beacon Hills. I just live with my grandma, and frankly I don't even know why we moved hear in the first place. My grandma is a little weird, well really weird. She is always talking about destines and other things of that nature.

Well hears where it all started, August, 17.

"Are you ready to go to school, sweets" my grandma said in her sweet old lady voice.

  "No, I'm not ready, I want to go back to my old school with my old friends, why did we have to move in the first place?" I said without thinking about the consistences of my question.

"Because, you will find your destiny here" she said it like I was the crazy one. I quickly ended the conversation realizing that my grandma was out of her mind. 

"You better get moving you don't want to be late for school" she said sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss my destiny, do I" I said with sarcasm.

"Don't you back talk me Gwenith" she said back.

Not wanting to get in an argument with her, again, I said a quick goodbye as I walked out the door. I hopped on my bike and road away to school.

I was wearing a black skirt, a red flannel, black converse, and Ray-Bands.

Once I arrived I parked my bike and walked in. All the boys where carrying lacrosse sticks and all the girls with portable mirrors in hand."This is going to take some getting used to" I thought while walking through the hallways.

I found my locker and opened it. While loading all my stuff in, a girl walked up to me.

She had ginger hair, a big white smile, and lots of red lip stick.

"Hi, my name is Lydia, and can I ask wear you got that shirt" she said in one breath.

"I'm Gwen, I'm new in town, and probably like Old Navy or something " I said laughing at myself.

"Oh, well I can work with this, and this is my friend Allison" she said pulling Allison over where we were talking as I wondered what she meant, is my fashion sense really that tragic.

We exchanged our hellos and I took my schedule out to see my first class.

Lydia took it out of my hands.

"Oh look we have history together" she squealed.

"Get out of my way pesent" I heard in the distance.

"Who is that" I said with confusion.

"That's Harriet, she's been really weird lately, but she's always been a little weird" Allison said with a sigh.

"Nice to meet you" I yelled over my shoulder while being pulled to history by Lydia.

Allison waved back with a laugh.

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