He's a What

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After school I headed back to the woods to enjoy the peace and quiet. I hopped on my bike and rode to the oak tree in the clearing. When I got there Stiles was waiting for me.

"Whatcha doing out here?" I asked parking my bike and walking up to him. "I need to tell you something, it's a little urgent" he said looking at the beautiful full moon.

"Well, what is it" I said putting my hands on my hips. "You might not want to stay out here tonight" he said looking into the woods nervously. "Why" I said putting the kickstand down.

"It might not be safe" he said still looking around.

"Why... What's that" I said looking at two glassy purple eyes looking straight at me.

"Um, well stay calm, and don't show fear, maybe. Where is Scott when you need him" he whispered his eyes wide.

"What would he do, you're the cops' son" I whispered back to him.

Then suddenly a guy with glowing eyes came and attacked the wolf thing. Then they continued to fight until the wolf was about to kill the guy, so I quickly pushed him out of the way. But when I did it just ran away off into the woods.

"Are you ok!" Stiles asked running up to me. "Yeah, I'm fine, but what was that?" I asked catching my breath. "That was, well um Scott, come on out Scott there is no need to hide it from her she would have found out anyway" he said shrugging his shoulders as Scott slowly walked out from the woods.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that Scott is some kind of wolf man, thing" I said exhausted by the thought of it.

"Yeah, pretty much hit the nail on the head, Scott you might want to wolf out now so we could skip all of this, You're crazy! stuff" Stiles said saying it in a girl voice. Just then Scott "Wolfed out".

"What the hell are you?! What the! What!" I said scared straight from the freaking werewolf in front of me.

"Look, it's fine. He's been like this for years, so many people know. You're just another one. And it's perfectly safe, I promise" Stiles said quickley grabbing my shoulders.

"God, this is going to take some getting use to" I said looking at Scott with wide eyes.

"Would someone just drive me to my house already, because if I go back alone I will pee my pants, right here right now" I said completely serious.

Once Stiles pulled into my driveway I said thanks, opened the door and hopped out. I waved good bye and walked into the house.

I was starting to like this Stilinski guy after all and his weird life.

When I got to school everyone was buzzing around the hallways talking about this and that, but I didn't have time for that this morning. They found another body.

It was crazy how many people didn't care about a dead body found in their neighborhood woods. There was only one person who would know the facts.


I made my way to his locker while seeing him put some books into it. "Do you know anything about a certain... dead body" I said closing his locker.

"Do I know about the dead body, of course I know about the dead body, who do think I am!" he said leaning against the lockers.

"Well, spill the beans, I'm listening" I said crossing my arms.

"All I know is that it was found in the woods and it was a guy this time, and get this they did an autopsy on him and he was empty" he said putting emphasis on the word empty.

"What, do you mean he didn't have breakfast this morning" I said rolling my eyes.

"No, I mean no heart, no organs, no nothing" he said whispering.

"Oh and um, do you maybe possibly want to possibly like go to the library and see what we can find after school today" he said putting his book bag on while not looking me in the eyes.

"No, I wouldn't do that if someone came right here and gave me my own personal lap dance" I said in a monoton.

"Wait really?" he asked looking like I had just murdered his puppy in front of him.

"Yes, I will come ya goofball" I said closing the locker.

He gave me a big smile and walked away. Did I just get asked on a date to the library?

After school we hopped in the jeep and road to the library. We walked in to see no one there, but the snoozing librarian.

"Ok so, we need to get into that locked room without getting caught, any ideas" he whispered pointing to a door.

"I got it" I said pulling a bobby pin out of my hair. "Awesome" he said under his breath.

With time I picked the lock and opened the door just to find a bunch of dusty old books, what a break in. "You take records I'll take books" he said heading off to a bookshelf.

After a long, long time, he found something.

"Look, okay so there is this book and it brings like fairy tales to life" he said with a yawn.

"Why would that be in a locked room in the library and how does that even help us" I said flipping another page of records.

"Well a few years ago these teenagers started a cult, but that's another story. And it has a picture of some sort of knight sucking the guts out of someone!" he said getting excited.

"Well it's a start" I said with a grin.  

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