Who are you?

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Greetings new readers! I am Ruby Akuma! This story's writer and creator! Fair warning, there's some mature content in this book. Not sexually ofc, but ya know, gore, cursing, blood, and shit like that. So enjoy! {Ruby Akuma}

"It was her!!!"


"She was the one!! I saw it with my own eyes!!!"


"She's been toying with him from the start!! Arrest her!!!"

"T-this isn't..."

"Take her."

"W-wait!! I-didn't... I-I'd never..."

"She's lying!! I know she is!!"

"Throw her over the wall!!!"

"Incarcerate her!!!"

"Y-you're wrong!!! I didn't do this!!"

"Save it!! Start walking, whore!!"

Your eyes opened. You sat up, letting your back crack from the uncomfortable mattress and looked out of the window to your side. You saw the sun slowly rising above the horizon. It was barely six in the morning, yet the birds were already chirping. You slowly spun your body and placed your feet on the cold concrete floor. You silently walked over to your drawer and got dressed. You placed a hood over your face so that it was almost completely hidden. You zipped up the built-in mask so your mouth and nose were covered. You placed a small device inside the hood and walked out of your cell-inspired room. You walked quietly along the stone hallway, your footsteps echoing both ways down the one-way hall. You entered a room and walked up to the desk where a soldier, bearing the Military Police insignia, was sitting his back turned to you.

"I'm assuming you're here for your mission, yes?" He said to you. You said nothing. He spun around with a piece of paper in his hand and held it out to you. You grabbed the paper from him and scanned the sheet. "Mariah Adolf. Originally arrested for theft, but later acquitted. She's been causing some trouble with some merchants and is now suspected of planning a murder. She's a noblewoman living in Sina. That's the only reason why she's not in jail already." Once you memorized everything you needed, you handed the paper back to him and left without saying one word.

Commander Erwin of the Survey Corps, Section Leader Hanji Zoe, and Corporal Levi, along with his squad, were shopping along in Wall Sina after Levi had insisted on buying new cleaning supplies. Out of the corner of Erwin's eye, he saw a woman talking with a merchant that was selling expensive looking jewelry. She seemed angry, but Erwin wasn't the type to pry into one's business, so he ignored the scene.

"Hey, why are we here? We've been walking for a few hours now, but we haven't bought anything," Eren asked, stopping to rest his legs.

"Captain is very adamant on his cleaning supplies and very specific on what type of bristles brushes have. So he's a little picky when it comes to buying one," Petra replied, turning her head to look at him.

"So you're saying we'll be here longer?"

"That is unless Heichou finds what he likes. And if Commander and Squad Leader don't need anything either," Eld replied. Eren sighed lightly.

"It seems your squad is having a fun time, Levi," Hanji commented to the shorter man next to her. Levi just subtly clicked his tongue. The sound of a woman screaming pierced their ears like knives. They all turned around and saw the same woman, whom Erwin saw, drenched in liquid.

"What is this?!?! Is this some kind of moronic joke?!" The woman had yelled, leaning over and grabbing the merchant's collar. Her face was red with anger. A spark ignited before the woman began to scream in agony. Her entire body lit up in flames. Her cries echoed to a crescendo through the air. Her skin turned dark like charcoal as other people began to throw water on her in an attempt to put her out. Their attempts were futile when the woman fell to the ground motionless.

"What the hell?" Hanji said quietly, not quite disturbed by the sight, but shocked. She turned around to capture the whole scene. A stream of water fell from the roof and onto Mariah, causing steam to rise from her burnt body. The bystanders and soldiers all looked up and saw you with a cup in hand. You threw the empty cup away and stood up.

"Who the hell are you?!" Eren exclaimed up at you. You said nothing and began to run, jumping from roof to roof to gain higher ground. "Get back here—!" Eren began to run after you.

"Wait, Eren!" Eld said alarmingly while holding him back. Eren thrashed in his grip.

"Let me go!!!"

"What was that?" Levi asked to the two superiors next to him. The trio said nothing and one by one, looked back to the burnt body.

"Something abnormal," Hanji replied.

'That was too easy.' You thought, walking along the now dark streets of Wall Rose where all of the citizens resided in. You didn't care for titans. You made no attempt to try and confront them. There was no point. They could eat whoever they wanted, you didn't care. You maneuvered your way to the top of a chimney that was tall enough to see over the wall at the moon. No, you didn't have 3DMG. Instead, you have special, custom-made gloves that launch out 45 meters of sharp, hard, almost indestructible metal wire. The wire was small enough that it could fit inside the glove, but when released they would expand over three times their original size. They were wire, but they were stiff, and strong enough that you could put all your weight and someone else's on it. You jumped off of the chimney and began running through the streets. After taking a few turns you came to your destination. The Military Police Brigade headquarters in Wall Sina. You had sauntered over the wall and into the MP's HQ in a matter of half an hour. Whereas it would usually take hours even on horse. 

You successfully snuck past the night guards and into the back where the stables were. You hid on the slanted roof and peeked out. Seeing no one there, you jumped off the roof and looked at all of the horses. Some of them didn't look too cared for either. Typical for a bunch of alcoholics and drunkards. You inspected all of the horse stables and came across one at the furthest corner. You walked up to the stable and saw the horse near the back of the stall. You gently jumped over the gate and knelt down below its line of sight. You held out your hand and took one step towards it. The horse nickered softly, stepping from one foot to the other. You waited a few minutes for it to move towards you. It took one step forward and then another until its nose was in your hand. It sniffed you, taking in your scent on whether or not you're bad. It then put its muzzle in your hand, showing it trusts you. You stood up and gently pulled it out into the opened so you could see it better. When it got out into the moonlight it was a female horse. She was caramel brown, but along her torso were faded burn marks and scars.

'You've taken a beating, huh?' You thought, softly running your hand down them. You walked into the stable and grabbed a saddle along with a rein. You slowly put the saddle on and hooked on the rein. You hooked your foot into the loop and sat yourself on top of her.

'Let's go, Star.' You thought, kicking her side and galloping out of the stables.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now