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Boruto: hello sensei

Knohamru: what is it Boruto?

Boruto: I am bored. I want a new mission.

Sarada: Naruto u have to learn to be more patient. Sorry sensei.

Mitsuki: But Naruto is kinda right. It's been a week and all of our missions are D ranked. Ho catch a cat... it's boring

Boruto: thanks for the support man

Konohamuru: u should be more patient young student. Mission you will get when patience u achieve.

Boruto: sensei where u reading the books about Yoda the green turtle and star wars??

Sarada: this is lame

Mitsuki: hey star wars is awesome don't insult it.

Konohamuru: mitsuki u are team leader in the next mission

Sarada: this is unfair!!!

Boruto: wtvr sensei. U said to never let ur feelings intercept with a mission.

Sarada: yeah boruto :)

Konohamuru left the grp

Boruto: yeah run away scardy cat

Sarada: calm down naruto

Mitsuki: bye

Mitsuki left the grp

Boruto: so it's just u and me now

Sarada left the grp

Boruto: yeah okay. Why am I not surprised!!

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