Chapter 4: Sliver Lining

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"Umm . . . here's your tickets?"

"It's not like she's here . . . "

"I think I saw her opening night someplace classy."

"OMG.  We're missing it!  Look, there she is --"

"That's a trailer for something else, Spike."

"Hhhhhauuuwa . . . Silver, can we get popcorn?"

"Only if you pay for it."

"Awwww . . . . please?"

"I'll do it, if it's for you Annie."

"Thanks Spikey."

"Okay, where we gonna slouch?"

I glanced about for optimum viewing areas, avoiding the ones with small children.  If anyone talked over Vennette genius, Goddess help us all.  Wait, was that jacket familiar . . . ?

"Found seats guys," I grinned and plopped down on Caesar's lap.


Bags in trunk?  Check.

Dianna distracted by hot stranger? Check.

All alone?  Ch - shit.

I heard as a familiar band of idiots barged in from the rear.  Please no . . . I moaned internally.  They're gonna talk the whole time . . . An unexpected female body plopped itself on my lap.  When I saw the hair, I pushed Silver off immediately.  I was kinda glad it was someone I knew than just some random stranger.  I didn't know many people with silver hair and a matching nickname.  I subtly reached up, and tugged on the ace bandage on my chest. 

Spike jumped over the seat row to sit on the other side of me.  Siv took the other one and Annie sat next to her. 

"So . . . " said Annie, grinning wolfishly, "Mind if we sit with you?"  I stared at her. 

"Sure.  Harvest my organs while you're at it, too."

"Great," Spike said cheerfully, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.  "'Cause I could really use the dough."  Silver frowned reproachfully at him.

"Hush now Spike, he needs his organs;  how's he gonna sing in our band without them?"  Spike chortled, then thought about it for a moment.

"Well, I suppose --"

"Shut up!" shouted Annie, scaring some couples near us.  "The movie's about to start!"

After the movie . . .

Well, I had to give the guys credit: they didn't talk, not once.  I thought about the obscenely making-out couple in the back.  We all kept throwing popcorn at them when they got too . . . vocal.

As we left the theater, Annie grabbed my arm.  Spike fell in behind us and Annie walked ahead, as if she knew where we were going.

"So," said Siv innocently, "where's your car?"  We were about to pass by it -- a fire-hydrant red Porsche -- when I realized that unless I wanted to introduce them to Diana, who'd blow my some what unnecessary cover, I'd have to ditch the car for now.

"I took a cab --"

"Thanks for throwing popcorn at me guys,"  said a huffy Diana, who looked a little more red than normal. 

"Excuse me?"  She repeated some of the more graphic noises from the back of the theatre.

"Oh . . . ."  I mumbled uninterested.  "That was you?"

"Ewww . . . "

"That's seriously gross man."

"WOW.  Was that guy your boyfriend?"

"I can't believe you were doing that in a public place."

"Can I have his number?"

"No, really.  That's just disgusting."  Diana pulled back, offended.

"Awww, hell no,"  she snatched my keys from my pocket.  "I'm not going anywhere with you ever again."  I grinned cheekily at her receding behind.

"You'll be back."

Long moment of silence.

"I thought you took a cab," Annie said accusingly as Diana drove away in my car, throwing me a glare. I shrugged.

"I'm a pathological liar," I blurted.  What?  It's the truth.

"Figures . . . "  Annie moaned, pulling into a sigh, and stretched her arms out over her head, sticking her chest out dramatically.

I concur, I thought as I stared at her heaving breasts.

"So . . . " she glanced at me through her eyelashes.  "What do you think?"

"I think people like you because of your personality."

"She meant the movie, Caesar."

"No she didn't . . ." said Spike uneasily. 

"Why does every time we meet you it becomes a diva off?"

"Yeah, both times," Annie sniggered.  Too many divas in one band.

"As per usual, Circe was to die for," I said in my best evil-villain voice.

"She your type?" asked Silver.  Annie glared at Siv from the corner of her eye, and leaned forward to listen.  I supposed that my saying that I liked Circe meant that Silver would arbitrarily 'win,' because Annie was too tall and buxom, with striking Caucasian features.  So I could say I didn't like her . . .  But for some reason even Spike looked interested.  So, this would have to be carefully worried as to not bring any confusion or massive drama.

"Well," I said casually, "personality-wise, she seems perfect -- but then she's an actress." Cue chuckling.  "But, for some reason," at this I shrugged, "I've never been particularly attracted.  Maybe because when she got famous she was engaged to a prince of a small, wealthy country.  And maybe because it squashed any minuscule hope of a literal Romeo prince taking me to his castle where we'll live happily ever after for all eternity." I grinned then.  "But I was young.  Hell, if Circe had a sister . . ." 

Spike's eyes went wide.  "You're bi?"

"Oh, yes he is," murmured Annie, lowering her head and looking at me through her lashes.  This was impressive considering she was taller than me. 

"Me too," said Silver.  My smirk exploded into a full-out grin.  There goes my attempt to dissuade them.

"I'm curious," Spike said thoughtfully.

"Aren't we all?"  I whispered.

"NO!" He turned tomato red.  "I -- I mean about that chick that made out with someone in a theater, left without them, and stole Caesar's car."  Silence.  That was . . . thought out.

"Well . . . " I said slowly.  "Do you want the truth or a ridiculous lie?"

"Oh! I love this game. Say both," said Spike excitedly.  And his genius points were officially refunded.

"Diana is a cross-dressing stripper at the casino that I live with my mom, who's the front liner."

"Or?" asked Silver after a moment.

"She's a friend of mine that I used to date in junior high."

Annie laughed at that.  "That's too simple."  Spike nodded in agreement.

"No," said Silver, surprising me.  "He/she's much too old for it not to be extremely obvious pedophilia if you dated in middle school."

I snickered. "I'm gonna tell her that you said that."

"Go ahead," said Siv, clearly not worried.  Not she should.  Much.

"Hey," interrupted Annie.  She turned to me, leaning forward.  "Wanna hang out?"


AN: The funny thing is that I've had this chapter written for months. And none of you care.

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