Chapter Four: Our Decision

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I wake up to the sunlight shining at me. I squint my eyes close in annoyance until I finally decided to get up. I sat up from my spot and looked around the area we stayed in. Beside me laid the other three soundly sleeping. I rubbed away the tiredness of my sleepless night and stretched my tense muscles. I got up from the ground and dusted off the dirt that was on my dress. I look down at Takashi and bent down to lightly shake him awake.

He quietly groans in annoyance and opened his eyes slightly. His eyes met mine and annoyance clearly showed. "It's time to wake up. I think they will be handing out food soon," I informed him. With that, Takashi groggily stands up and goes to wake up the other two. "I'll go on ahead to get some for us," I tell him. He just nods his head, and I left.

Once I left the room, my ears were exposed to the loud voices of crowds receiving their food. Complaints were heard from the townspeople while the refugees of Shinganshina and Wall Maria shoved each other for food. Like a few others, I patiently wait in line for my turn to receive food. Soon, it was my turn in line. The man handing out food gave me one small loaf of bread.

"Can I get two more?" I asked him.

He scowls at me. "Why would you be needing 3 loaves of bread? Don't you see that there are others waiting?"

I let out a sigh. "It's not for me to eat, sir. It's for my younger brothers and sister," I informed him. Wary of my statement, he reluctantly hands me two more, and as he did, I see the other three head over my way. "Perfect timing," I say as they reached me. "Here." I handed one loaf to Satoshi and another to Mirai. With the remaining loaf, I split it into halves, giving one half to Takashi.

The man who handed me the loaves gave me a look I couldn't quite read. He then hands me another small loaf of bread. "Here, take this too," he tells me.

I shake my head. "No, I really shouldn't. There are still others who need it. If I take it, there may not be enough for other children," I informed him, refusing his offer. We then left the area, leaving the man who seemingly looks stunned at my words.

"Will you two be okay with only half a loaf?" Mirai asked Takashi and I. We nodded our heads.

"We'll be fine. It's not like this was the first time," Takashi responded.

Mirai and Satoshi gave the both of us questioning looks. "When was the first time?" Satoshi asked us.

"The first time we had to ration our food was back home," I told them. "You two were too young to remember that year. Now go on and eat." The two younger siblings just nodded their head as they took bites of their bread.

After finishing up our small meal for the day, Mirai and Satoshi begged Takashi and I to let them venture around the area, as we are new to being inside the walls. Reluctantly, we allowed them to go on ahead. While they played, Takashi and I had a discussion.

I let out a sigh. "So what are we going to do now?" I asked Takashi as we took a seat on the ground in a secluded place. Takashi had a thoughtful look on his face. I gave him a questioning gaze. "What're you thinking about?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Takashi looks at me and answers, "About those two titans."

At the mention of the two, my face turned serious. "Do you suppose they came from that place?"

"There's no other explanation. Who else has the ability to shift?" We both gave a thoughtful look.

"Then what do you suppose we should do?"

"I would love to know their goal for all this," he answered me. "Why they have attacked our village, and why they are now attacking these walls? What could they possibly gain from all this?"

"You don't suppose this has something to do with the royal family, do you?"

He shrugged, "A possibility, but our village had no royals though."

"Well, from what we've seen so far, the people here has some sort of system. On the first day inside, and outside the walls, we saw those people fighting the titans."

"So at least they have some sort of defense against them."

I nodded my head. "Yes, but from what I've collected so far, it seems they've never dealt with shifters before." Takashi just nodded his head in agreement. "Not only that, but the ones inside these walls that has the roses insignia on their jackets seems to not have much, or any, contact with titans."

Takashi gave a confused look. "Why is that?"

I gave him a shrug. "I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with their roles in this society." Takashi just gave a small nod. "Apparently, this group of people are called the Garrison. The group we saw outside the walls is called the Scout Regiment, or Survey Corps. Also, there seems to be a third group inside the walls called the Military Police. They protect the royal family and live in the most inner walls of Wall Sina."

"Hmm... Interesting..." Takashi looks at me. "So how did you get all this information?"

I let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm sure you already know that I have my ways."

Takashi lets out a short laugh and smirks. "Of course."

"So, what do you suppose we do with all this information?"

"Well then, I guess we'll have to help these people out and join the Survey Corps since they have no experience with shifters."

I let out a small laugh. "I guess so." My face then turns serious. "Since that's decided, what will we do with Mirai and Satoshi then?"

"I'm sure they can take care of themselves... Well, at least I hope they can..."

I let out a sigh. "I know they're capable of taking care of themselves. What I'm worried about is that they'll follow us in joining the Survey Corps."

Takashi was silent for a while before answering me. "Well then, let them. We can't stop them from joining."

I gave him an 'are-you-serious' look. "Really... Do you even remember why we came here in the first place?"

"Of course I do, but I just think that things have changed. We came here so that they will be safe, but it's not safe here anymore. They are now attacking these walls," Takashi rebutted. "Besides, I'm sure they'll be helpful in this upcoming war."

I let out a sigh of defeat. "I see your point. But we'll have to have them keep their shifting ability a secret. If that is revealed, who knows what will happen while we're gone."

Takashi nods his head in agreement. "Then I guess everything is settled."

"Yes, for now. We don't know what the future holds for us. At some point, our plan is going to change."

"Of course." After finishing our discussion, we head back to look for Satoshi and Mirai to inform them of our decision.

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