Thinking Ahead

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-Tweek's POV-

"So, how was the assembly?" Craig asked.

"It was fan fuckin' tastic." Kenny said sarcastically." Principal Victoria and Mr.Mackey went on and on about the responsibility of senior year and then on and on about homecoming. I should've taken your lead and fucked off with Butters." 

"I'm such a genius for skipping that piece of shit." Craig chuckled.

Craig and I were in the bed of Kenny's truck, heading to Stan's for a start of the year party. Kenny stuck his hand through the back window, passing a joint back to us, which Craig reached to grab.

"You want some babe?" He asked, holding it out to me.

"N-nah, I'm alright." I smiled, turning to watch the buildings pass us by. 

It was crazy to think that in less than a year, I'd be done with high school. I could do anything I want. I could get quit my job at the coffee shop, I could get Craig and I a place of our own... Fuck, we could even just pack up and drive, drive anywhere we want. We could leave and just, be together. 

"Whatcha thinkin' Tweeks?" Craig asked,wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Just... us, graduation, the future.." I said, turning up and smiling at him. 

"Oh yeah?" He said, his voice wavering. 

"Not anything bad Craig, just.. about what we're going to do when school ends." 

"Hey gay boys, we have arrived." Kenny said. 

He'd already gotten out of the truck and opened the hatch to let us out, his arm hooked around Butters waist. 

Craig rolled his eyes and we both made our way out of the truck and up the driveway towards Stan's. 

-time skip-

"That was lame." Craig groaned, tossing his shoes off.

"Hey, it's not Stan's fault his parents came home two days early." I giggled, flopping down on our bed. 

"I'm still blaming him for it." Craig laughed, heading over to the dresser.

Craig pulled out a pair of sweats for himself and changed before sitting on the bed beside me. 

"Hey, Tweeks?" He said, running a hand through his hair. 

"Hmm?" I mumbled, turning on my side to face him. 

"Earlier.. you said you were thinking about the future.." He started, "What were you thinking about exactly?" 

"You're still worried about that?" I said, sitting up in bed. 

"It's just.. I don't want graduation to come and then you realize you don't wanna be stuck with me, and you head off to some college in like, New York or some shit and I'm just stuck here, missing you." Craig rambled.

"Babe.." I said, grabbing his hands. "It's not like that. I wasn't thinking of leaving you at all, I was just.. thinking of what we should do when we leave school. Are we gonna stay in South Park? Are we going to college? Are we getting an apartment together?"

"Are you sure?" Craig asked, his face twisted with confusion.

I smiled shyly and leaned up to kiss his cheek. 

"I'm completely sure. I don't know what we're going to do, but I know that we're doing it together." I replied, squeezing his hand reassuringly. 


Sorry for the short chapter and that it took so long to update again. Next chapter will hopefully be longer and I plan to update in the next 3 or 4 days.

Thanks for reading

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