First chapter and last...LEMON🍋

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(So basically the reader is Lucy so you will be playing Lucy got it?ok!)

F/A=Favorite Anime.(What ever anime Lucy would fav is Sao)

Your POV:

   I have been in the guild for awhile now and I fit in amazing here!But..there is this one gray.Its a huge problem because Juvia also likes him...sorry did I say like I mean she's IN LOVE WITH HIM LIKE OBSESSED.I bet he likes her too.I was walking home when I feel like...someone is following me...whatever...I continue to walk and I definitely hear im scared..FUCK...I then hear someone cough.AHHH SOMEONE IS FOLLOWING ME.I begin to run to my house.I run in and lock the door.I start to step away from the door and then.."Hey Lucy!""AHHHH!"I yell.Then I slap whoever was there.I open my eyes to see Natsu looking mad at me.

"LUCY WHAT THE HELL!"Natsu yells

"LUCY WHAT THE HELL!"Natsu yells

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"SORYY ITS JUST THAT-..."I say then I stop myself before I tell him."You what!?"he asks."nothing...ANYWAY WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!"I ask/yell."I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU THAT IM GOING TO BE OUT OF TOWN FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS FOR A JOB!Do you want to come?"he asks."Na I'm good."I say."Ok well if you say so.Don't come back to me when you need money."Natsu says leaving the house.One of the other reasons I could never get romantic with gray is because Natsu was very protective.He was like a brother figure to me and seeing him with me...made me shiver.

-The next day to when she was walking home-

I began to walk home again..and then I hear that person again..THATS IT!LUCY YOUR A MEMBER OF FAIRYTAIL YOU CAN KICK HIS BUT..(or her,girls can do this aswell..)"ALRIGHT COME OUT YOU LITTLE PERVERT!"I yell."I don't think I'm a pervert.."the person says walking was...gray.."g-gray!"I say blushing."y-y-ya"he says mimicking me."ugh it's not funny."I say while he was laughing."sorry"he says."*sigh*its fine."I say."So why are you following me."I ask.He then stops and he blushes."uhhh...w-well."he says."I uhhh...wanted to tell you something but then I felt like someone was following me so I hide the whole time but still following you.I the. Saw you run so I started to run too but somthing grabbed my hand.I turned around to see who it was and it was Juvia."oh..."I say.I looked down sad.I knew he liked her." like her."I ask."What!N-..."he says then he paused.I looked at him and he was smirking."actually ya..I like her a lot..she makes me really happy..Lucy?"he says."Ya?"I ask."I..I think I love her."he says.Hearing those words come out of...his words..i..just couldn't stand there anymore..I felt tears dripping down my cheeks."Lucy?.."he says looking at me confused.."Lucy are you ok?"he asks.this...was so...humiliating...I started to run..I ran as far away as I could at first I didn't know we're I was going but then I turned around the block towards my house.Ughh sometimes I could use Natsu sometimes.I need his brotherly love to comfort me.I..I WANT HIM TO BEAT UP GRAY!UGHH THAT JERK!HE KNEW HOW I FELT ABOUT HIM..i think..HE KNEW THAT WOULD HURT ME AND HE HAD THE NERVE TO SAY IT TO MY FACE...not ok..I then just cried myself to sleep watching f/a

The one-Gray X Lucy (⚠️WARNING:this is a lemon🍋)Where stories live. Discover now