Who is it

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"Woah!" Michael exclaimed, nearly running into Denise. His smile is replaced with a frown when he noticed she was upset. He grabs her arm."What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing." She shook her head, forcing a smile.

He raises a brow, not buying it."Don't lie to me. You look angry. Did something happen?"

She shook her head again, muttering,"No."

"Denise..." His eyes move from her to Jermaine walking out from around the corner, rubbing his arm.

Jermaine stops and looks briefly at them. He murmurs something under his breath and proceeds to go out to the backyard.

Michael watched him leave then slowly turned back to Denise. He holds up a finger then points behind him.

"Did something happen between you and Jermaine?"

She sighed heavily."No, Michael."

He steps closer."I'm not going to say it again, Denise." He said in a low warning tone."Don't. Lie. To me."

"I'm. Not." She mocked him.

He leans back."You do know I can tell when you are lying right?"

She laughs, arching a brow."Oh, yeah?"


She looks him up and down."I faked it every time we had sex." She said as truthful as she could. She leans in closer and whispers against his lips."Every. Time."

He slits his eyes at her."You lie."

"Hmp." She hummed then crossed her arms and walked around him, smiling.

"You're lying, Denise!" He yelled, chuckling.

She giggles to herself."Okay, Michael."

Before she had a chance to touch the door, he picks her up bridal style.

She laughed loudly."What are you doing?"

"Shh!" He hushed her, taking her into a nearby closet. He placed her down on her feet then closed the door.

She could barely see him, but she knew he was standing right in front of her."Michael. Move."

He grabbed her arms, placed them over his shoulders, then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her sweetly.

She smiled against his lips then kissed him back. He turns and backs her into the closet door, breaking away to kiss down her neck.

"Michael." She purred."I--We--"

"Be quiet, baby." He said. She felt him kneel down before her and tug at her shorts.

She stopped him before he could do anything else."Mr. Jackson, you will not seduce me in this closet."

"Ms. Adams, I will do as I please." He responded then yanked her down to him, positioning her on his lap.

She grinned then leaned down and pressed her lips to his, sliding her hand down his stomach and lower till she got to where she wanted.

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