Chapter 6

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I don't own teen wolf

Sarah pov

Somehow Dads sister maddie found out about Keith And maya and said shed adopt them.
So they went with her. Joey was a little upset she didn't get another brother.
I am bored. Joeys with Scott and Cora and Tatum is with Isaac and Alison
Ethan and Katie are on their honey moon still. They have a four year old.
" Hey beautiful ". I smiled "hey. So what are we doing. I am so bored. "
" Yeah. It's quiet in here I don't like it"
" Yes I know. But I can't believe they are seven though. " I say playing with the strings on my shirt.
He kissed my cheek
Then my ear.
Great. Differently not what I meant.
Kissed my neck. "Stiles stop "
" Why ". " Cause you see this house."
" Yes what about it ". "It Needs to be clean". " It's clean "
He turned me so I was facing him.
"Please ". "No ". He made a pouting face. "Fine your only getting kisses ". " I can live with that"
I kissed him. Wrap his arms around me. He pushed me against the counter . I slide so I was sitting on it.

" See I told you they'd be enjoying the day with out the twins. "
I jumped and trip , hit my head on the counter on my way to the ground.
" Hi Amy , hi dad " stiles said
I got off the ground. I rubbed my head.
" What have we done to get this " stiles said.
" Just wanted to know if you all wanted to go out to eat. " Nathan said
" But we see you have other things. To umm do " Amy said
" No it's fine. We can go and eat" I say
I am kinda hungry.
I went up And put socks on.
" You know could say no. " he huffed
" No we can spend time with them and plus I said you were only getting kisses anyway. "
" But. I wanted to " I glared at him he stopped. " Stiles do you have any idea what. Haveing a kid feels like well it hurts. And two the after it the wolf is going to be going in to heat every year"
" I know. It's like the best " he smirked.
I punched him in the arm.
" Shut up. " I put my shoes on And went down stairs.
"Where we eating " I asked
" Texas road house "
I nodded. Sounds good.
I got in the jeep. They got in Nathan's car. Stiles came and got in.
We went to dinner. It was nice we had fun just not the " fun" stiles wanted.
But I miss the twins.

We got back home.
" Can we finish what we started "
" I guess. but just remember we have joeys baseball game tomorrow "
" I know she wrote it on me yesterday "
" That's my girl. " I smiled
He kissed me. We walked back the the couch. He slid his hands up my shirt. Kissed my neck.
My phone rang. " Really " stiles said with huff just collapsed on me. His head on my shoulder
" Hello"
" Tatums running a fever. He wants his mommy " Isaac said Over the phone.
" Ok tell him. I am on my way "
"Ok bye ". "Bye". I hung up.
" Stiles get up" he got up. " Tatum"
" Yeah he has a fever "
I went out to the jeep. Rolled  the windows down it Feels good out.

I herad sirens. Where are they. I looked to my left big black thing was coming I couldn't move I froze.

Stiles pov.

My phone rang " hello sheriff stilinski"
" Hey this is Sam. There's a wreck down here" he's voice cracked.
" Are you ok. " " Stiles please tell me Sarah's home ".
My Herat was pumping now.
" No she went to pick up Tatum he has a fever "
" I think you should get down here right now "
I left and Just followed the sirens.
I pulled up and ran over.
I saw the jeep. No. No.
Dad came over. " Stiles stop. I don't care if you are the sheriff "
" Dad please. "  I tried pushing on him but my arms felt weak.
People were gathering.
" Who did it " I demanded
"The guy who we and three other county's been trying to bust for selling drugs to middle schoolers. "
" Where is he ". I am going to kill him.
"Ambulance. "
I walked over. Parish talking to him. Sam was helping fire fighters with the cars.
" Hi sheriff stilinski. Your here now " before he could finish. I started
" Hey ass fuck you thought it was an good idea to get middle schoolers high and make them go crazy. Four of them died. Two more in the hospital. Then you put people in danger. You hit someone "
" So what they felt good and who ever is in the car. They won't feel anymore pain cause I think their dead " he smiled.
I pulled him out of the ambulance.
I slamed him against the door of it.
" If that woman is dead. I will make sure your prison mate likes you And makes you his bitch. I hope and I will pray you die in there. That girl has two kids and husband. She was on her way to pick up her son who has a fever. And wanted his mommy. Now how am I suppose to tell him. His mommy is in the hospital fighting for her life. Cause some prick decided to be a dumbass "
" So what losing a mom. Id be happy only pusses cry at moms dying  "
With that. He was on the ground and I was punching him.
" Stiles stop. "
Parish and Scott pulled me off. Wait Scott.
" Scott Joey doesn't know right "
" Yeah she doesn't. I called Alison and told her. "
" Ok. " I looked over at the wreck. My heart clenched.
" Hey she'll be fine. She's the alpha "
" Yeah last time she was in there like that she didn't wake up for two weeks. Now we aren't telling Joey and Tatum till after joeys game tomorrow "
" You know she's going to ask where Sarah is "
" Yeah but Ill just say she's at work and technically she will be. Just not like she usually is " it was true I wasn't lying.
"Alright. "
"She's alive " a fire fighter yelled
We ran over. They pulled her out.
Oh my god. She has lot of head trauma. And big cut to her left arm.
They took her to the ambulance.
Drive off.
I just stood there look at where it was.
" Stiles I think you should let Scott and parish handle this. You need to get Tatum. I will take him if you want to stay at the hospital " Sam said
" Umm Ill pick him up and tell him she's at work. Then say grandpa wants you. "
"Ok "
I walked over to my jeep. I started driving. I stopped in there drive way.
I got out. Isaac open the door. Just by his face could tell he wanted to say something.
I shook my head. " Hey is he ok "
" Yeah. He fell asleep. Come on in "
I walked in.
Alison came around.
" Stiles what's on your hands "
I looked at them. Oh " I punched the guy couple times "
" go wash them. " I went and washed them. Came out.
Tatum was on the couch sleeping.
I picked him up. He blinked looked at me. " Daddy I am cold "
" I know. Let's get you to grandpas. "
" Which one ". "Taylor "
"Ok" he layed his head on my shoulder and went back to sleep
" So is she ok " Alison asked
" I have no idea. She was breathing when they took her on the ambulance "
" Go head. We all need sleep. Joey. Delaney. Thalia. Elizabeth and Laura have game tomorrow. " Isaac said
"Actually I need to go in to work. I should make sure Melissa is ok. Ill give you all updates if they won't let you know " Alison said
De , Thalia and Joey same team. But Laura and Elizabeth on a different one cause they're older.

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