The wedding.

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~Laura's Pov~

"And after you left.. I was out of my mind, Maia, she took over my life, she talked me in to suicide, but, the night you came back, I stopped, and thought  of the girl, the reason I fought, because she  was my joy, I dropped the knife, and threw the pill, that's when I realised, "She saved me, and my heart." Ross said staring down at me. Everyone  smiled wider. I looked down and smiled. "Ross, I fell in love with my best friend-" Ross looked at me confused, I then understanded. "Which is you." He then nodded. Everyone laughed. "Ross, you have been there for me since..forever, I used to think it was cute when you used to flirt with me, and you still do." Everyone laughed. "And everyone all ways thought we were dating.." We both turned to Megan in the 1st row. Everyone laughed, again. "We are almost total oppisites, but we make it, and the music brought us together, With out music, life would be a mistake, but we wouldn't." Everyone smiled, and so did Ross. "Do you, Laura Marie Marano, take Ross Shor Lynch , to be your  lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do thy both  part?" The Priest looked down at me. "I do" I smiled at Ross. "Do you, Ross shor Lynch  take  Laura Marie Marano, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do thy both part?" The Priest now looked at Ross. " I do, a million times." He looked back down at me, glazing dreamily. "Does anyone reject this lovely, couple, or let them do they're peace?" The Priest looked at the big church gathering. No one even moved."Ok, you mat kiss the bride." The preist smiled. Ross kissed me passionatly, I was startled but kissed back. Rydel trew candy at me and Ross which made us laugh, knowing how Rydel was. We ran out of the church, and to the airport, Ross wouldn't tell me where were going. We got on the plane and I fell asleep.

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