Part Twenty Seven: Watching Hermione(Harry's P.O.V)

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I look at Alastor, who hands me and Ginny the birthcard.

Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange néé Black are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter: Hermione Belle Lestrange. Aunt: Narcissa Malfoy néé Black. Uncles: Rabastan Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy. Cousin : Draco Malfoy(2 months old). Godfather: Severus Snape. Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy.  

"I think this is the reason why Snape told her what he did. He is her godfather," Moody says. "And Narcissa is her godmother. Wow," Ginny whispers. "Hermione.. is a Lestrange. No denial possible. I still can't believe it," George mumbles.

"Hermione Jean Granger," Moody says to the mirror again. The mirror did nothing. "Okay then, now we know he wants her real name now," Moody mumbles. He clears his throat and speaks again.

"Hermione Belle Lestrange." We got a view on Hermione again, who sits in the lap of Draco with her arms around his neck. I swallow and see Ron balling his fists.

"Draco, Hermione, go upstairs. We have mature things to discuss," Rodolphus Lestrange commands his nephew and daughter. Before Hermione could stand up, Draco lifts her up in bridal style.

"DRACO, PUT ME DOWN! DRACOO," Hermione shrieks with laughter while Draco walks out of the room and up the stairs with her. "Did you know you are quite heavy?" "Come on Draco, I am skinnier than normal in my Lestrange-look!" "It was a joke, Hermione, is joke a word in the Hermione Granger vocabulary?"

"Not in the Granger one but it is in the Lestrange one," Hermione replies with a grin. Draco throws her on her bed and he himself sits down on the chair before her make-up table. "So, we have a whole vacation ahead. I will definately beat you in Quidditch, mark my words."

"Of course, my lovely cousin. Keep that dream up." "I surely will. Hey Hermione, isn't your birthday soon?" "Yep, it is over.. two weeks, I guess. Why, do you need to buy me a ton of presents," Hermione asks with a grin.

"I am fearing I have to. Why couldn't you stay away, my vault at Gringrotts doesn't like you now?!" Hermione throws a pillow at him and it hits right in Draco's face. Fred, George, Ginny, Ron and I grin at it.

"MOTHER, HERMIONE IS BULLYING ME," Draco yells, smirking evilly. Hermione jumps off the bed and tackles his chair. They fall on the ground and begin to fight, but it was more playfully romping.

Bellatrix and Narcissa enter and shake their heads when they see the fighting, red faced teens. "Is it too late to nurture them, Bella," Narcissa asks with a deep sigh, shaking her head. "I am afraid it is Cissy," Bellatrix replies, doing the same as her sister.

Hermione rolls off Draco and lies on the ground. "Mum, I'm hurt by my cousin," Hermione says with a sad face, pouting a little. "Mother, Hermione hurt me very bad," Draco says and he pretends to be fataly hurt.

Both the women laugh and leave the room. "But I am still stronger then you, Ferret," Hermione says and she jumps up. Her black curls were a mess and the sleeve of her dress/shirt hangs off her shoulder, what Hermione quickly put right.

"You never will be stronger then me, 'Mione," Draco replies with his messy platinum blonde hair and his crumbled black suit. Hermione laughs and falls with her back on her bed.

It was kinda nice to see Hermione happy, but she couldn't be happy with the Malfoys and the Lestranges! That was simply impossible.

"But wait, so that means Hermione is also a cousin of mine, as I'm the daughter of Andromeda," Tonks asks. "I guess you are, but why weren't you on the birthcard then," Lupin asks. "My family hates my guts, remember? Because Andromeda didn't marry a pureblood, like the others did. They didn't thought she and I were mentionable," Tonks replies, a saddened expression on her face.

I look at her and back at the blank mirror again. Nothing will ever be like it was before without Hermione.. I wonder why she betrayed us. I just want an answer: why?

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