3. •Party?•

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Messages between @jessdavis,@jfoley and 16 others.

                                           @cherrdavis                            So I have been thinking, what about a welcome party?

Hell yeah!

Is it even a question?!OF COURSEEEE

Well good idea, because we lives without our parents now!

Am I invited?

Hell no!

            @jessdavis removed           @brycemoney from the group

Yes! But Cannah is coming!

                              Okay, who is Cannah?


I will think about it...

Clay you must come because if you will come Hannah will come too!

It's not usual, but I'm in a mood for a party! You know, @jessdavis is going to be there!

Okay if Hannah is coming, then I'm in.

        OK, my place, Friday at 8:00pm? And bring swimsuit! We don't want naked bodies lmao. And bye!

Okay, I will come, See ya

            ~Skip to Friday, 7:00pm~

,,Jess I am going to take a shower and get ready, please call that idiots when the food and drinks are coming! We are waiting for, like a hour!" I shouted at Jess. Then, I taked a shower, blow-dryed and straightened my hair. I did my makeup, checked if everything is perfect and got to my bedroom. I grabbed a perfect-looking black dress, and then grabbed my black heels. ,,Gosh I almost forgot my earrings!" I ran ( well, running in heels) to my bathroom and I put on my earrings. I checked myself in the mirror, and I looked pretty good!
My phone buzzed.

Messages between JuJu and Cherr

Hey, can I come already?

                                       Yes, I am waiting to meet my bestest best friend after such a long time!

Haha, me too. I am coming for Sheri, Zach and that Tony guy is coming for Cannah lmao.So bye

                                 Oh, ok haha. See ya

,,I have to add picture on insta!" I thought to myself.

,,I have to add picture on insta!" I thought to myself

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Liked by:@jfoley and 230 others

@cherrdavis: Getting ready for a party! Excited for you!!!! Especially for my bestieeeees
Tagged: @sheriheart,@jfoley

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@jfoley: Damn Cherr, u look great!

@sheriheart: Cherr I am so excited!

@jessdavis: My sister always looks good! @jfoley

@cherrdavis: Thank you all, guys!!!

@standall.a: Hmm, where is my invite? Ok,ok can I come?

@cherrdavis: @standall.a OF COURSEEEEEE EVERYONE IS INVITED!

@brycemoney: party?! I can fūçk some hoes!

@cherrdavis: YOU AREN'T INVITED!

@cherrdavis blocked @brycemoney

@jfoley: This party is gonna be lit, okay I am coming bye

@clayjensen: You look good, @cherrdavis!

@cherrdavis: Thanks, Clay!

               End of the comments

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