i ship Logan and Ayla so heres my fanfic about them, also YES i'm aware Ayla has a boyfriend but i really dont see any connection with them. WARNING: My fanfic is going to be rated R so plz pay attention to that and enjoy my fanfic❤❤
*our first sleep in our house was amazing, all though logan is pretty upset we cant have sex since im pregnant. But im okay with it. I wanted to see alissa again so i asked her to come over and sent a picture of our house to her.*
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*she was amazed with the house. And so am i ofcourse. She came over and i hugged her. I didnt tell her about my baby yet. I sat down and she sat down infront of me.*
Ayla: i have an announcement Alissa: im listening.. Ayla: soo.. as you know me and logan are inlove Alissa: yeah.. i know Ayla: and i havent had my period yet.. Alissa: yooo dont tell me... Ayla: im... Alissa: Omg omg omg Ayla: pregnant Alissa: *screams* OMGGGG Ayla: ikr! Alissa: im so happy rn omg Ayla: *smiles* i am too ofcourse Alissa: do you know the gender yet? Ayla: no its only been a week Alissa: *frowns* aww theres so much time left Ayla: well thats actually good Alissa: ofcourse but i just want to see a mini layla walking around... thats your ship name btw *laughs* Ayla: *laughs* so hows it with the beef with jake? Alissa: still looking for a guy to make me forget about him Ayla: well jake is actually really nice Alissa: he was untill his life was all about fame. I feel like 'jerika' is only for the views and because i am actually happy again and he just wants my life to be a living hell Ayla: alissa.. he can be nice Alissa: well he hates me Ayla: we all know at the end of the day you guys still care for eachother Alissa: i do care about him. I even messaged him at 4:50 AM telling him i will always be there for him. But he made a disstrack aboit it Ayla: well i still ship jali---
*i got cut off by someone screaming "HELLO BEAUTIFULL PEOPLE" and when i looked back.. it was jake. I saw alissa get nervous and hid under my bed.*
Alissa: i am NOT seeing him right now NONONO Ayla: get out of there alissa Alissa: NO Ayla: ALISS---- hey jake whats up... Jake: heyy anyone else here? Ayla: uhmm...
*i felt alissa pull on my pants trying to tell me to not tell him.*
Ayla:... no? Jake: *laughs* i know someonw is there Ayla: Nonono theres not
*he looked under the bed and his smile turned into a nervous smile.*
*i stood there awkwardly and i decided to leave them alone in the room so they could talk things out. I walked over to Logan. And looked at him mad. His mouth was full cause he was eating doughnuts.*
Logan: what? *he said mumbling* Ayla: JAKE? YOU INVITED JAKE? Logan: *he swallowed his doughnut* hes my brother Ayla: alissa is already here! Logan: so..? Ayla: dont you know?!! Logan: oohhh... shit Ayla: they are alone in a room right now! Logan: oh fuck.. Ayla: but leave them alone im hopibg they will be friends again. Logan: yeah i hope so
Kind of a short story
Sorry i havent been writing anymore i was into the chlogan mood😂