Staring into my soul

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One day I was rushing through the dark New York alleys with nothing to keep me company but my own thoughts when I noticed what appeared to be a young child standing in the corner crying hysterically. As I tiptoed cautiously towards him I sensed something wasn't right, I noticed a large scar running across his cheek and down by his mouth. I stepped closer but gasped in horror as he reached out towards me, blood dripped from his hand, a symphony of drips coating the concrete below.he was mumbling to himself, but it wasn't English, he was speaking in some demonic language, channelling the devil. I noticed something that I wish I hadn't, an image that will scar me for life, on the floor surrounded by a pool of crimson was the arm of an infant, badly distorted as if it had been chewed up, and then that's when I realised the blood around his mouth. I froze in fear as I saw him unveil something from beneath his robes , in glistened in the moonlight. The long sharp blood stained with blood. I was paralysed as the blade got closer to me, approaching my face, it stopped directly in front of my left eye. His stare burned though my soul as I saw the knife inch closer to my face, getting closer and closer. I tried to scream but no sound escaped my lungs, I saw life flash before me, and death himself standing before me. He ran the blade in circles around my eyes, scratching them lightly, and a little blood started to emerge from behind the shallow cuts. He brought it back up to my eye again, directly info rant of my pupil, my breathing increased as it got closer and closer and... It happened. The blade sank into my eye, I felt no pain however, but I shouldn't of been so modest. He pushed it further, blood pooling in my face as it dribbled from my eye. Before me was no longer a boy, a sweet innocent child, but the devil himself, stood before me , and that's as much as I remember.

I woke up dazed, where was I? The room was silent , and not a single light was to be seen. I could still see out of my other eye though. I tried to get up but I couldn't move, I struggled and struggled but I just couldn't get up. I heard the footsteps of a large creature from behind me, I sat quietly hoping he wouldn't notice I was awake, it was the devil again. The lights switched on, where was I? Fire surrounded me in a circle, and blood pooled on the floor. I looked beside me , and markings surrounded me , burned into the floor now filled with congealed blood. As I looked around me I realised I was in the middle of a pentagram , and that's when he began to chant. It was in that demonic language again, he was screaming it now. My heart raced as the flames raised around me. An intense burning sensation filled my body along with the pain of breaking every single bone in your body. I couldn't take it any longer, I blacked out.

I awoke again , expect this time I could see, tiled roofing was surrounded by bright lights, shining towards me like a ray of hope. I could move now, my body felt free. I sat up and realised where I was. I had woken up in the hospital, surrounded by heart rate monitors and various other machines. Just as I began to become aware of my surroundings the doctor came in.

"Hello mrs Jefferson, are you feeling alright?"

"Wh..w...what happened..?"

"I'm afraid you had a nasty fall, you must of been walking home when you blacked out, luckily a young boy found you, and phoned you an ambulance"

"Wh...what...what are you talking about, thats not true?"

"I'm afraid it is, just a simple blackout, however your free to leave at 5 after we've finished a few routine tests and all."


That's when he left the room , how could this be true, all that had happened, that's when I noticed it , a sharp searing pain came from my wrist. I reluctantly looked down to see a reminder of that nights events forever. Burned into my wrist just like the floor around me was the sign of evil itself, the pentagram. It was charred into my wrist just like it was the floor. I heard a weird noise come from one of the machines, I looked over, they were going berserk. I looked at them , they all said 666 , the flames rose around me again as I began to black out, but just a couple seconds before I heard it again... The demonic chanting of the devil again, finishing with the crying, the crying of that little boy, the one they think saved me, when in reality he caused this, he caused it all to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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