Chapter Eight: In Which We Face the Music

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"Dephrasne Alesne how do you plead in the wrongful death of Prince Gorth."

I was right. my worst fears realized. No matter how tight our insurance policy and liability claim, Gorth's royal family were still suing me for wrongful death. It was their right to do so. No matter how tough my job is, no matter how many documents I have my clients sign releasing all liability in the case of injury or death, it is my job to do everything in my power to help ensure the safety of my clients. Not getting them killed by ex-clients for one.

I rode back home with Gorth's small cask of ashes slung over the saddle of the lizardlunge. It only took a short time to get home. I needed some advice and a good dose of reality, facing my father was far more terrifying than facing the Rock Tip Royal Family. But when I got home and started filing my paperwork, preparing to return Gorth to his family and my case, in case there was a trial called, father just sighed and said: "these things happen."

I may have left out some of my more negligible doings, but I already felt bad enough about the whole thing. I was tempted to just send Gorth's ashes and a complete assessment of the failed quest with a messenger, instead of going in person. But father insisted.

Rule Number 37: A Quest Keeper assumes all responsibility for a quest and goes above and beyond to serve the client or client's family in every way possible.

That was the worst part of my job. I've done it before. Dozens of times. Quest keeping as I've said before is not safe. Death is part of the game. But every time I return the body of a heroine or hero, a brave lad or lass, a courageous princess or prince to their family I feel myself slowly hardening. And this time, I had no one to blame but myself. That was the worst of it.

Had I just given up and tried to Baneful my way through this gig? When Mytha let me go, it was under the condition that I would return in 6 months with the ring intact. Knowing her, if I didn't comply she would find a way to make me pay. So I don't think she questioned my loyalty when she released me back to the outskirts of Kell, where I was left with nothing but that sinking disappointment in myself.

Usually, when a client dies it's completely out of my control. A mission too far gone for anyone to be able to save it. A hero facing their final nemesis and ends up slain at the end. A questee who goes off route, or takes matters into their own hands and through their own foolishness comes to a grizzly or just plain stupid death. One time a princess just accidentally tripped over a rock and hit her head.

This time, however, it was my fault. I knew Mythra was dangerous. She was wanted in every kingdom. Did I honestly think she would respect our treaty? Did I really believe her incapable of harming my client when I refused her? Why wasn't I more guarded?

But I should have known better. A thief will never keep their word. A thief is a thief after all. I had no real reason to take Gorth through those woods. I was just trying to save time. But what's that when a life is the price paid for a few hours saved? I could have strangled Mythra right then and there, but I would be dead too and would have no way of seeing through my plan to see her imprisoned for life. So, I agreed to her quest and brought Gorth home and faced the music.

Gorth's parents were too stunned at first to really let it sink in. They hugged me and sobbed and grasped for anything that would help them through this tough time. I told them Gorth was brave and would have succeeded in his quest. He was a true hero. They thanked me through their tears and half smiles.

But two months later when I was home, stuck at my desk trying to sort through the massive mess I made for myself and working out how to get to the Elves, I received the injunction. Suing for wrongful death and I was to report to the Hedlands immediately. I wasn't sure if I was going to die, go to jail, or be fined, but I was going to have to pay. That much I knew.

"How do you plead." The King asked after my summons was complete.

"Guilty your Highness," I said. A stunned gasp rippled over the courtroom.

"And do you have anything to say on your behalf to help assess your sentence?" The king asked.

"Only that as a quest keeper my job is to ensure the safety of my clients is no easy task. Gorth was a brave and courageous hero, if we had not used the short cut through the forests as per my idea, I feel he would have succeeded in his quest. I account for the responsibility I had in Gorth's death and only ask that those who sentence me, understand that I am only human. It was not my intent and I am truly sorry for his loss. But Gorth knew the dangers as did all of you who agreed to send him on his quest."

"We did not agree to any such thing, the contracts he signed were without our knowing or permission, and therefore null and void in this case. You are lucky we don't hang you for kidnapping." The King said. His anger was hovering at the edge of his teeth.

"We seek to sue for full damages, the entirety of your fee will be returned as well as ten million Pil".

I was stunned! No one, and I mean no one had that kind of money.

"But your highness."

"Either pay the sum in full, face life imprisonment, or successfully complete Gorth's quest"

"What?" I said.

Gorth's mother stood up, tears in her eyes. "We loved our son, and his bride, his betrothed, Shamara was taken from him 5 years ago. We grew to love Shamara as our own, and would welcome her back here into our family. She is still family even if Gorth is no longer with us"

"I will see Gorth's quest completed and return your princess to you, I thank your highnesses for this mercy," I said.

With that I was escorted from the courtroom by a gruff shaggy knight standing at almost the height of an ogre, and almost as unkempt as one.

"Lady Alesne, I will be escorting you on your quest to ensure your full cooperation and that you do not attempt to flee." The Ogre Knight said.

"Oh just perfect, a side kick," I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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