Chapter Five

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It was the next morning I couldn't get any sleep. I sat watching the T.V until the news came on.  I turned it up and listened quietly. 

Breaking news: A teenage boy named Tristian Hoode was found late last night in a allyway between two abandon apartments. Police have done an investigation of the two buildings and found no evidence to signs of anyone staying in either of the two buildings. However police beileve that whoever is responsible for the murder of Tristian Hoode may be responsible for the murder of the couple last night. The son of the couple has been found is now staying with another realitive. There will be more details to come. Steve show us what the weather looks like today.

I shut the T.V off and held back a scream of pain and anger. I had pure hatred for whoever was doing this. 

After getting out of the bed and getting dressed I went downstairs and got my bag together making my own lunch and grabbing a soda.

"Good morning Dustin." 

My grandmother was sitting in her rocking chair watching the news as well. 

"Did you know that boy?" 

I let out a sigh and nodded before responding to her. 

"Yeah I did. He was a really good friend of mine memere." 

"I'm sorry to hear that Dustin."

"Its fine memere, theres not much an apology can do now, But thank you though."

I heard her let out a sigh before getting up and coming into the kitchen as well. 

"You dont have to go to school today if you dont want to Dustin."

"No memere, its okay, I have a test today, Id rather not have to do it on another day, Thank you for the offer."

She gave a nod and poured more coffee into the cup she had brought with her.

"Thank you for letting me stay here though memere. It means alot."

"Youre welcome dear, Im glad you came here, its nice to see you again. Its been getting quite lonely here."

I frowned and gave her a hug. I felt bad. I stopped visting her after middle school, But I couldnt remember why. She was my favorite out of all of my realtives. 

"I love you memere, ill see you after school. Maybe we can do something when I get home."

"That sounds lovely dear, have a great day."

I threw my bag onto my back and opened the door, looking back at my grandmother before shutting the door before walking down the road in the direction of school.

I went through the short cut to get to school quicker. 

A twig snapped and I looked back seeing nothing so I continued walking. I took a deep breath as my mind began to flood with 'what ifs' and thoughts. 

A bush russled but there was no wind. I tensed and looked back again not seeing anything. 

"Fuck please be an animal." I thought to myself as I continued to walk.

 I had a very bad feeling that sent chills up and down my spine. I didnt want to be alone.

The sun was just starting to come up but I still had a sick feeling. I picked up the pace seeing the school down the street. 

Footsteps were suddenly behind me and I began to panic, burtsing out into a sprint as my heart pounded against my chest. The footsteps quickly turned into violent thuds against the ground. I was becoming tired, but I wa so close to the school. 

"Just...A little....Further...come on Dustin." 

I made the stupid mistake of looking back to see who was chasing me. A masked man who had slowed down after I looked back. I didnt stop running and I didnt understand why he stopped running. 

I turned my head back forward and ran into a tree, falling back onto the ground and holding my nose to keep it from bleeding. I forgot I was being chased for a moment. When I remembered I attempted to get to my feet not hearing the light footsteps walk up to me. 

Then it hit me. A cold metal object was smashed against the back of my head, sending me forward onto my face. I was beginning to pass out. 

"Got you" Was the last thing I heard from the man before going unconcious.

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