Worth It

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I stand behind the camera with the rest of the crew, watching Trevor dance. I'm not really meant to be here - I'm not a cast or crew member - but as it's my birthday, Trevor managed to persuade them to let me come on the set of The Next Step. He apologised that he had to work at all, but I really don't mind, as I love seeing what he loves to do - especially as he's so good at it.
He finishes James' part of the dance and stops. As he walks over to me, I clap enthusiastically before realising no one else is, and that maybe I shouldn't be clapping right now, especially when they're probably still filming.
Trevor smiles and chuckles a little - ugh, he's so cute - and glances around at the crew members.
"Am I done?" he asks, stepping away from me momentarily. "It's just, it's Y/N's birthday, and I kind of want to go do something..." he explains. And because it's him, they actually listen.
"Okay, just this once." someone replies, being persuaded by his charm just like everyone else always is.
Trevor laughs and takes my hand.
"Thank you. I'll film some extra stuff tomorrow." he says, leading me off set. That's one thing I love about Trevor being on The Next Step - everyone's always so nice and they all seem to basically love Trevor as much as I do - but not quite that much, obviously.
Trevor glances back at me as we reach his car.
"Can I take you out for a meal?" he asks, opening the door for me.
"Of course." I reply, finding it adorable how he still seems to act like every time's our first date, or that someday I'll just turn around and say no. I just love how he gives off a cocky, somewhat overconfident vibe to everyone, but deep down he's a complete softie, often an insecure one at that - not that he'd admit to it. "You know, I'm never going to say no, right?" I say, reaching over to turn on the radio.
Trevor shrugs as he starts the car.
"I always check, just in case." he answers briefly, leaning over to lightly kiss my cheek before driving off towards what I'm guessing will be a restaurant. Where exactly we're going, I don't know, but I trust his judgement. Three years of being with him has built a trust and understanding between us that I hope will never go. What we have is irreplaceable. And I really love him. But I'm not going to tell him that, I like the nervous, insecure version of him too much to say something which would only make him big-headed.
After not too long, we reach a car park and Trevor stops the car.
"Here we are." he says quietly, smiling over at me. "Well, we'll need to walk a bit, but that's okay, right?" he adds.
"Of course." I giggle, kissing his cheek before getting out of the car: as I suspected, he's extremely nervous. But I don't really understand why. After all, it's just me.
As we walk past a line of shops, I intertwine our fingers and look up at him.
"Trev?" I murmur, making him look down at me.
"Why are you so nervous?" I ask with a slight laugh, his nervousness almost rubbing off on me.
"I'm not, what are you on about?" he replies quickly, believing that that's enough to stop me thinking he is. But it's so obvious something's up. I mean, yeah sometimes he's awkward, but not normally to this extent.
I raise an eyebrow.
"You know I don't believe you." I say, walking into a Nando's after him.
"Whatever." Trevor replies semi-casually and turns to the waitress.
"Reservation for Tordjman." he says, and I brush my hand against his arm to get his attention.
"You reserved?" I ask, confused. Trevor just grins and follows the waitress to a table, his previous nervousness vanishing completely.
Sitting down at the table, I don't let it drop.
"So this was properly planned?" I ask, surprised at his apparent organisation skills.
"Of course." he laughs. "I know you love Nando's."
I can't help but smile as I look across at him, sitting there looking like he does. His hair is a little long, but I guess I like it like that. His smile - well, that's something beyond explanation, so I'll just have to say it's amazing. And yes, maybe I've well and truly fallen for him. But it's not like that's an issue. He wouldn't hurt me. I know that. Everyone knows that. He's not that guy.
"Thank you." I smile somewhat seriously - I always want him to know how much he means to me.
"It's no problem." Trevor replies. "You're worth it, every time."
I glance down slightly, now being my turn to go all shy and awkward. I'm not the best at taking compliments, but then again who is?
"Thank you." I mumble.
"You don't need to thank me, seriously." he says. "Even once is more than enough. I'm just grateful I get to be with you."
To stop myself from thanking him again, I pick up a menu. I spend a few minutes glancing at each choice before looking up again. Trevor's just sitting there, looking at me, which would be somewhat creepy if I wasn't used to it. He always looks at me as if I'm some kind of goddess, and I don't understand it. I'm really not anything special. But I let it happen, only because I can't stop him from doing it.
"Trev. You. Staring." I laugh a little and tap him on the head with my menu. "Could you go and order? Seeing as it's my birthday."
Trevor nods and I quickly ask for a chicken burger before he goes over to the counter.
I sit there watching him, realising I'm now the one staring. Oh well, it's something nice to look at, I can't help it.
An hour or so later, whilst I take the last sip of my drink, Trevor reaches for his wallet.
"I don't care what you say, you're not paying for any of this, it's your birthday." he emphasises, raising an eyebrow pointedly at me.
"But-" I protest, already knowing that I'm fighting a losing battle.
"It's a birthday treat. You know what that means, right?"
"Oh, so now you think I'm dumb, huh?" I respond, taking mock offence.
"Never said that." Trevor quickly replies.
"You always crumble like that." I observe, laughing at his constant willingness to try and make me happy.
"I can't help it. I want to let you win. Otherwise I feel mean."
"You know you're making this worse for yourself now? Telling me you give me the sympathy vote doesn't really make me feel better."
"Stop twisting my words." Trevor laughs and promptly pays for the bill. "Besides, I haven't given you your proper present yet."
"There's more?" I ask, standing up. Trevor nods.
"Otherwise this would just be another date. It wouldn't be a birthday treat."
"Where are we going now then?" I ask as we leave the restaurant.
"This way." Trevor replies mysteriously.
"Don't go all detective-murder-crime show on me, you know I'm rubbish at working things out."
"Well don't try to work it out then. Just let us get there and you'll see." Trevor says, glancing back at me.
After a while, we seem to get further and further away from the city and move into the woods.
"Where are we going?" I ask once again.
"Right here." Trevor says, stopping and turning round to face me.
"And we're in a forest because...?"
"Because I wanted to talk. Without all the distractions. I wanted it to be you and I, without my acting or your work or other people. Most of all, I wanted to give you this." he says, reaching into his jacket pocket and bringing out a wrapped parcel.
I slowly unwrap it, intrigued, and realise it's a notebook.
"I know you like writing." Trevor says softly, looking at me in a way no one else ever has. "I wanted to write something for you. It turns out I don't write for a reason," He laughs briefly. "So I left it at the first page. But I figured you could carry it on, so we could create something together. Even if I am bad at writing, we're obviously doing something else right if we're still together after all this time, if we still love each other like it's day one. I wanted this book to be a promise. A promise that I'll be everything you need me to be. A promise I'll always be there, no matter what. And that isn't just for your birthday. That's for life, you know?" He stops suddenly to take a deep breath before continuing. "I'll never let you down, Y/N, I hope you know that. Because those who love you will never do that to you. And God knows, Y/N, I am in love with you."
And in just saying that, Trevor gives me the best birthday present ever. Because he's not the kind of guy to break promises.
"I'm in love with you too, Trev." I reply, my smile turning into a huge grin.
So here's my first imagine :) what did you think? Please leave your thoughts below!
If you have any requests for either this book or my oneshot book, let me know and I will happily write them x

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