So Much For Bonding

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It was a peaceful day. The birds were chirping, the breeze was frequent but not too bad. The sound of fishing poles being reeled conquered most of the quiet.

"Aw man! Keep letting that one slip away!" Natsu exclaimed as he started to put more bait on the hook. He swung it forward and grinned when it hit his mark. "Aha!"

Gildart's grinned. The pinkette might have gotten more powerful but he still had his childish spirit.

"Come on Natsu! This is dinner!" Happy complained while flailing arms. His own pole forgotten as he was watching the Dragon Slayer.

"No it's not Happy. Mom said if we bring home fish again for dinner, she'll "castrate us!"" Haru told the feline with a shiver. She apparently got bored of eating fish 24/7 and glared at Natsu so hard the day he and Happy brought home the raw fish. The Dragneel's could have sworn they felt the earth shake as Natsu passed out from fear. Haru remembered it clear as day.


No. We're not going to remind them of that day.

Anyways, the Dragneel boys and Gildart's decided they needed to have a little bonding time. As Natsu thought of the senior citizen as a second father, Haru could only see him in the perverted yet wise grandfather light. He was the first person (other than his mother) who taught him about sex...and bondage.

Erza hadn't been too happy to hear that.

She would have taught him about that...after some procrastination. After all, she is the kinky one one bed.

Finally moving on from the beautiful, red-headed Dragneel, the men (and cat) were having a peaceful time just enjoying nature. Normally, when they're all in the same place, destruction would come soon after.

Yup that's right. Haru took after his old man.

Gildarts felt the need to tell his pink-haired son figure he was whipped but decided against it when there was a tug on his pole. "Alright! Let's real em in!" He reeled but a bright light stopped him. He hissed as the bright rays on sunlight come in contact of his face. The fish that was close to death doors was now free to escape. Damn it! He was so close!

"Crap." The orange haired wizard muttered before digging in his bag he decided to bring with him just in case. He pulled out a pair of sunglasses. Natsu, Happy and Haru visibly paled upon seeing them.

"O-oh g-god!" Haru exclaimed, slightly scooting back.

Gildarts looked at the Dragneel's with a confused look. "What's up with you guys?"

"G-get those ungodly...things away from us!" Happy exclaimed, covering his eyes as if some bad experience had happened with sunglasses before...

*nods head*

Gildarts raised an eyebrow and took out four more out his bag. "Here, just take them."

Natsu's eyes widened as he lit his body on fire. "Oi! What did we say old man?!"

Gildarts fought the urge to grab the pinkettes face and slam it into the ground until it touches the core, but he was old and he didn't feel like doing something that held no purpose. Instead he asked a question.

"Why don't you like sunglasses?"

The Dragneel's shivered.


The Family of pinkettes, redheads and blue cats have just completed an S-Class request. The mission was really just to prepare Lotus for the battles she would have to fight when she becomes S-Class- or hopefully when she does. The job was to find and capture a runaway Mage that goes by 'Mercutio'. He was wanted for assassination, robbery and terrorizing the citizens of the city he was in.

Since it was a S-Class job it was obvious it was going to tough. When they eventually found the crook, Lotus immediately charged at the man while Erza and Natsu stood back. Haru stood close to his sister, just in case something goes wrong.

At first, it seemed like Lotus had the upper hand, but he had gotten one good hit on her. Just one.

That sent her father into rage.

"OH HELL NO!" Seeing the Salamander basically challenge him, Mercutio started to propel himself of the ground thanks to his Earth Magic. Once he was close to proximity, the Earth Mage went for the (hopefully) final strike.

"Earth Claw!"

The Dark Wizard stared at horror at what he saw. Natsu caught the fist with ease; no sense of a struggle. But that wasn't what scared him. No, it was the angry, red eyed glowing look on the Salmander's face that scared him.

Mercutio winced when he felt the hold of his hand tighten majorly. Natsu cocked his fist back, preparing to punch the guy harder than he ever did in his life.

"Natsu." His wife's voice reached his ears. "Don't do it. You'll kill him." She couldn't deny how angry she also felt when she seen her only daughter take the hit. Happy nodded.

"Aye, Natsu."

Natsu sighed before just giving the guy a power flick to the head, sending him flying.

"What the hell, dad?!" Lotus's voice questioned him. "I had him!"

Natsu eyes widened as he realized he stole his daughter's opponent. He looked toward his mate for assistance but she only acted like she wasn't paying attention and whistled. Natsu growled a bit at his love before letting a nervous creep onto his sweating face.

"My, oh my!" Mercutio's rather defeated voice said. "What power you have! I might not be able to take you on but I can be victorious against your children!" He used most of his energy to charge at Haru.

Said spiky redhead smirked before pulling his pair of earbuds out his ear. "Fire Dragon's..." Mercutio eyes widened. 'Damnit!' "Roar!"

Mercutio was found with 3rd degree burns.

Anyways, long after that, the Dragneel's were off to the Ice Cream place in Magnolia to celebrate Lotus's first S-Class mission. Well, Lotus'd first time witnessing an S-Class mission.

Everything was going well in the way there. Natsu's now long yet spiky hair was blowing in the breeze giving Erza something to look at, Haru was just listening to his rock while Lotus was lost in thought, conjuring up ways to become S-Class.

Then, the sun came up.

As soon as it intensified, Erza decided to go to the local market to buy sunglasses for the five of them.

They continued walking as Natsu's mate came up to them and handed them each a pair. They inputted them on their face when they heard a scream.

The scream that sounded like it came from Erza. Out of instinct, both boys lit their bodies on fire. It was a bad move. They realized that when the plastic melted and touched their faces, creating immense for both Slayers.

Going back to Erza:

As Erza went to put on her own pair, she missed the side of her head and accidentally poked herself in her good eye, causing her to scream.

Lotus and Happy's eyes widened as they seen their family in distress. Lotus immediately went to her mother's side and tried to take the sunglasses away from her, but she only pushed the glasses further in her eye, her screaming turning into roaring.

Happy went to his best friend's aid as quickly as he could. He didn't know the consequences of his actions though. The feline screeched in pain as the burnt piece of plastic stuck to his paws. He felt his ear and eye twitch, so he went to give them a scratch, trying his best to ignore the pain.

Another scream filled the air.

Haru, taking after his father's stupidity, thought that burning the already burnt plastic would burn it to crisp. It only caused more pain to the teen.

Lotus had the fortune not to experience the torture her family went through. But the very thought of its existence puts her into fear.


Gildarts watched as the father, son and cat trio corner up together to protect themselves from the nonexistent pair on sunglasses. He sighed.

'So much for a family fishing trip.' He continued to watch. 'Idiots.'

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