Five- Pack Responsibilites

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Someone bursts through my door. Again. I'm really starting to hate this.

My eyes snap open and I quickly snatch the book that rests on top of my bed and shove it under my covers.

"What the hell?" I growl at my mother who struts into my room with scrutinizing eyes.

"Watch your tone," she warns me but I ignore her and sit up in my bed so I can keep an eye on her. "I came to wake you up because your father and I are going on a trip with some of the other high ranked families and the alpha. We are visiting other packs, it's nothing to worry about—"

"I'm not," I interrupt her but she continues.

"The Luna is staying behind to watch over the pack but I offered that you would help her if she needed it."

"You did what?" I shout and jump to my feet.

"Don't raise your voice, Lenora. You are the daughter of a Gamma therefore you must fulfill your duties and help the Luna. It's your responsibility." My mother opens my closet and walks in, without my permission.

"My responsibility? I didn't ask for that, you can't just shove this on me. What are you doing?" I stride over to my closet and find my mother picking out my clothes.

What am I? A five year old?

"Shush now, this has been your responsibility since you were born. You've just been ignoring it." She lays a pink skirt with a white shirt on my bed. "What's this?" She picks up my book and squints her eyes at the cover, no doubt finding flaws in it.

"Nothing," I mumble and snatch it from her hands. "If I've been avoiding this 'responsibility' so far why can't I just go on avoiding it?"

"Because you are 18 and it's time you started acting like it," my mother snapped and stomped over to my door. "I expect you to be showered and dressed in time to say goodbye to your father and I and then you will ask the Luna if she has any work for you."

She doesn't wait for my snarky comeback—and I had a good one—before she loudly closes my door behind her. It wasn't loud enough to classify as a slam but it certainly was a period on a sentence.

I glare at my door and clench my fists, two can play at this game.

I shower and blow dry my hair so that it falls straight over my shoulder and down my back. I look at the outfit my mother left for me and walk back to my closet. I pick out a bright blue tight skirt and a white tank top with spaghetti straps. I slip my feet into a pair of tall heels and sit down to apply my makeup. When I finish, I scan myself over in my mirror before heading out into the hallway.

I know people are staring—let them.

I know people are judging—let them.

I know people are whispering—let them.

As I descend the grand staircase I can practically hear my mother's eyes pop out of her head when she sees me. I keep my mouth shut and my gaze unaffected as I saunter over to her and my father. My heels click on the hardwood floors so that it draws even more attention.

"Pink isn't really my color," I whisper as I make a show to hug my mother and then my father while everyone is watching.

My mother presses her lips together and puts on a fake smile. My father doesn't even acknowledge me as he limply wraps his arms around me and then pulls away so he can get back to his conversation with the beta.

When my parents along with the high ranked wolves finally leave, I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see the Luna standing with as much grace as a ballerina.

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