🐟Swim Lessons🐟

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It's was a hot summer day in the Akatsuki hideout.
Most of the members are out on missions, but some actually got this beautiful day off to enjoy.
Like Kisame and Itachi for example. Why are these two not on a mission? Well it's because our favorite little weasel needs to learn how to swim before he can go on the next mission so what's going to happen? Kisame is going to teach him!

"Kisame hurry up. Your taking too long..."

The ravenette's patients were just as poor as his ability to swim.
So Kisame took his time even more. He loved it when Itachi got upset. It made him look cute, in a scary way.

Yes Kisame had a crush on his crimson eyed partner. He had tried time and time again to ignore and refuse the feelings in his chest for the young Uchiha, but he could no longer keep the feelings at bay.

"Kisame please get a move on. The sun will go down if we wait any longer."

"I highly doubt it would take that little of time for the sun to set but I'll pity you and speed up."
With a smirk the shark man appeared from their shared room.

Itachi couldn't help but smile at the blue man, his antics were annoying but the Raven learned that Kisame didn't pick on you if he didn't like you. So that proved that the Uchiha's feelings were at least partially returned.

Yes Uchiha Itachi has obtained feelings for his partner... At first he was upset about it and ignored them until the blue man saved him from death a month before.

The walk to the lake was silent, and it was killing the normally loud shark man.

"So Itachi why is it you never learned to swim?"

"I...I don't know...it was never in the job description to have that skill...so I never learned..." The Uchiha answered while blushing.

"Well you've got a great teacher and I'll do whatever it takes to teach you how to swim...oh look there's the lake."

Speeding up, the two criminals arrived to a clearing with a decent sized lake.
Itachi stood and stared as he watched Kisame strip to his boxers.
Blushing Itachi began to strip down to his own boxers. When he turned back to Kisame the blue man was already in the water.

"K...Kisame...are you sure you can teach me?"

The blue man stood up and got out of the water and began walking towards the  Uchiha, said Uchiha got nervous and blushed as he backed up, only to back up against a tree.

"Kisame...W...what are you doing?"

Before Itachi got a verbal answer Kisame through the young uchiha over his shoulder and began carrying him towards the lake.

"Kisame!?! Put me down this instant!!"

"Oh Itachi. If you stay up here you'll never learn to swim..."

"F..fine I'll go in the water just put me down...now!"

As soon as the shark man's feet touched the water he sat Itachi down so that he could stand.

"Now I need you to walk out so that you are in the water up to your chest."

Blushing, Itachi nodded and began walking forward until the water was at his chest. As he went to turn around to see if Kisame was behind him he bumped into his chest.

He mumbled an apology but didn't move away.
Kisame gave him a curious look then reached down and grabbed the flustered raven's hands.

"Come here, let's start out with paddling, and staying afloat in one spot."

All he got was a small nod as an answer.

He pulled the Uchiha out into deeper water, keeping a hold on his small hand.
Itachi liked the way kisame's hand felt on his. He tightened his grip lightly when he felt the ground under his feet slowly get further away from his reach. Then out of slight fear as something brushed against his leg, he threw his arms around kisame's neck.

Now what was the problem here? Lack of communication.

"Um...Itachi are you okay."

Blushing at the contact Itachi mumbled an answer but the blue man didn't hear him and leaned closer to hear him.
"What was that??"

"I said, I'm sorry...I just haven't been in a lake before...so I'm not used to large fish..."
Kisame gave a dumb look as he was confused because the Raven was always around a "fish".

Itachi turned to face Kisame but regretted it when he realized how close their faces were.
Kisame just grinned at him, making the Uchiha blush even more. Kisame knoticed this and gave a light smile.

"Itachi...do you trust me?"


"Then...can I try something?"

"Uh...um I guess."

No sooner than those words left the Uchiha's lips, he felt a smooth pair of lips collide with his own.
He began to blush as he realized what was going on, his eyes went wide and he froze.

A moment later Kisame pulled back and looked away.

"Sorry...I Probably shouldn't have done tha..."

He was interrupted before he could finish his sentence and he immediately turned purple.
(his skin is blue so if blood rushes to his cheeks it will turn his skin purple (red and blue mix to make purple))

Itachi pulled back and smiled at the blushing fish. 😆

"Well Kisame...are we going to begin swimming or are you gonna be a purple fish all day?"

Kisame blushed brighter.

"But tachi-kun I don't think I want to let go."

"I never said you had to put me down...Kisa-chan."

Itachi then planted his lips onto kisame's once more. Kisame instantly kissed the smaller man back. He moved his hands up from Itachi's waist to his side's making Itachi moan lightly at the touch on his bare skin.

Itachi ran his hands down kisame's chest, lightly scraping his nails against the chiseled flesh. Kisame groaned slightly in pain and pleasure.

Then Itachi pulled back for some much needed air. He laid his head against kisame's shoulder just basking in the heat.

"I love you Itachi."
Itachi's head shot up to look Kisame dead in the eye.

"I...I love you too." The Raven blushed as the words left his mouth.

"How about we cancel our swim lessons today? I'd rather just carry you around or we could do this?"
The shark man grinned a sharp toothed grin before falling on his back, pulling Itachi with him.

"K...Kisame what are you doing!?"

"It's okay your safe..."

By laying on his back Kisame had brought the two of them in a relaxing position.
Kisame waited for Itachi to fully lay down and relax. Be blushed when the Raven lied on his chest and started drawing imaginary patterns on his bicep.

"You okay Tachi? You seem troubled."

"I'm just relaxed. Completely at peace...for now." Then with a small laugh the Uchiha began to dose off.

He was happy.


So there's the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed. I apologize Itachi and Kisame were slightly out of character (OOC). But I did try to keep there personality's within most parts the same.
Anyway I'm rambling again. So tell me what you think, vote and please NO flames.

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