The Break-Up

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That last chapter through me off because I changed I been trying get a job and all I changed being everything I could for her and it's crazy I do miss her but she left and got a boyfriend than came back I was so stupid she use me to get away she came to my house and said she didn't date him no more my heart and soul was still her we fucked that night and she just left it was crazy because I let her back in and one night she wanted me walk her home so I did and we argued on the way there and half way there she stop and told me leave so I turned around and started crying walking home she called me crying wen she got home I felt so broken because I just wanted to hold her but deep down in my heart and soul I will always love her I just had let her go make my life better

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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