please don't tell

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Chris's P.O.V

I can't continue this I have been forced to do a lot of things to keep this island but this is way to much.'s not fair I am scared.  I think as I walk into a room that belongs to Ducken since he won the game last night it's that he gets to stay in my mansion and be waited on but he also asked for something that most of the male contestants say they want to fuck me sadly I have to give them what they want I look at the floor and whimper once his hand touches my cheek and forces me to look in his eyes It's not so bad Chris trust me you little slut he says with a smirk and he strips me down and forces me to get on my knees and he takes his cock out of his boxers and smirks knowing I know what he wants so I start by licking his tip and whimper softly as he grabs my head You be a good slut and suck me not lick me you know better than that he smirks as he tells me that and I nod S-sorry master I whimper I hate saying that but I have to and then I suck his head and try to suck more but I gag he's 10 inches long this isn't fair! I think and I  am forced to take all of his dick in my mouth and I cry out in pain and gag harder he laughs and fucks my mouth for 3 minutes and then pulls out and smirks at my teary face Awwe you are so scared of what I have planed for you huh? He asks and I am forced to nod p-please be gentle I promise I won't struggle master I almost cry out in fear as he pushed me onto his bed on my stomach and makes my butt go in the air I cling to a pillow as he thrusts into me hardly Be silent for him and he hopefully will be gentle sadly he went hard making me scream in the  pillow as he thrusts without mercy and worse of all he goes harder and deeper into me I just cry and cling to the pillow and let him

3rd person P.O.V 

As Chris screams and Ducken thrusts no one could hear that Chef was knocking on the door as it's locked sadly he gives up and goes to his room and falls asleep though is very worried about Chris

Back to Chris's P.O.V 

After a few hours of him harshly fucking me he finally stops and cums in me as he pulls out I cry and he lights a cigarette and smokes I Gag but cry into the pillow What a pretty thing you are when you are weak and has been fucked into submission he says then laughs as I whimper he then smirks You tell me who I am and I'll be good and not tell the others about this he says and that makes my eyes go wide in fear M-Master please don't tell the others this I don't want them to know please! I scream and beg as he forced me on my back and thrusts into me again Just continue being my slut and I'll think about it he smirks and says as I nod frantically and  scream in pain he laughs and cums in me again and pulls out and lays down next to me and finishes his cigarette and falls asleep I just cry myself to sleep

Secret life (Total drama island)  (Chris x Chef )Where stories live. Discover now