C-Chef knows?

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As Chris was masterbating...

Chef's P.O.V

I get out of the shower and put on boxers then some pants and I lay down on my bed and I hear moans coming from Chris's room and my underpants tighten as my member grows hard yeah I like Chris got a problem? Well anyway, I take my member out and stroke it and moan softly then I stroke it more but then Chris screams out my name..my name!! It causes me to instantly moan out his name and cum "holy shit that felt good"  I say as I pant then clean myself off and fall asleep this is my chance to tell Chris how I feel

In the morning

Gwen's P.O.V

So a night in the place that he calls his baby wasn't so bad I watched romcoms and ate sweets and pizza and now I'm eating a 3-course breakfast! And honestly, I'm so worried about Chris I know he's a jerk sometimes but the one I saw was kind and sad and scared I hope Chef isn't hurting him because it's so clear Chris is in love with Chef and Cody, Heather, Beth  and I know about the crush and are keeping it a secret from Chef anyway ..the crush has earned Chris to get made fun of by the other guys who found out just by watching them and I'm worried for Chris since he said he didn't want the guys to win anymore which is concerning, to say the least just then Chris walks in, in his normal clothes which made me smile " Hey Chris " I say softly which makes him smile softer "Hello Gwen, how was your stay?" He responds and I smile more "I loved it thanks for asking but Chris can I ask something?" He thinks for a minute then nods "Shoot" he says and I smile "okay um why were you so scared of the possibility of getting one of the guys?" I ask gently and he freezes and starts hyperventilating fastly causing me to do what I never would do if he was still an ass.. I hugged him and started rocking back and forth slowly and I stroked his head and he calms a bit but then starts sobbing oh no what have I done?? "Chris listen its okay shhh shhh its okay I promise you don't have to tell me I'm sorry for asking"I say softly and he shook his head softly and told me everything while sobbing I listened and stroke his head poor Chris he shouldn't have to do that for the island he ..he doesn't deserve it

Chef's P.O.V

I was walking to the dining room when I hear Chris and Gwen talking so I listen in and what I heard shocked me everything those guys hurt my Chris ...my CHRIS! I have to make him feel better I have to tell him how I feel about him but ..how? Hmm oh! I got it! I'll make sure only the girls win and I'll be nicer than I usually am to him I want him to be happy he deserves it so much

Later cuz I'm not doing the challenges yet

Chris's P.O.V

after my talk with Gwen and breakfast, we did a race challenge and Gwen won again but ..Chef helped her I don't get it and he hugged me and when I flinched he kissed me on my head which made me calm down and he let me nuzzle him I wonder if he l-likes me back? That would make sense! "Chris?" Chef asks seriously "yeah?" I say softly "I heard why you're so scared ...I'm so sorry about what they did to you I'll make sure they regret it"I froze h-he k-knows what they did to me..h-he listened in on my confession to Gwen I started hyperventilating again and he kissed me I gasped but slowly melted into the kiss as he kissed me he picked me up and I held onto him by wrapping my arms around his neck gently so this is...........love it feels.............nice so ..nice it makes me relax completely and forget what those men\guys did to me

Idea from SmolFanGurl40

Hope ya enjoyed also I'm always open to ideas

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