Hide And Seek

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"Help me..." I groan as I shake and wriggle my hands repeatedly against the rope that is tied around them. I whimper as I feel the hard, prickly bristles of the rope scrape against my wrists that are probably bruised and red because of how tight the rope is around them and the damn bristles on it. "Fuck you Bieber..." I mutter under my breath. The only part of me that was free was my mouth, the jackass had me tied in the middle of the room against what I'm guessing is a stripper pole. He had my arms tied up above it and my ankles tied to the bottom of it.

"You're just hurting yourself worse..." Justin's disembodied voice fills the thick, bitter room that I am unfortunately held hostage in.

I feel my tears burn against my cheeks as my bottom lip trembles, I can't see him in my peripheral vision, but I know he's there.

I become stiff when I feel his cold fingers trail down my arm and down to my hips, I take in a sharp breath as I feel both of his hands grip onto my sides and his nails dig into them. I feel his cold breath against my neck.

"P-please don't hurt me..." I whimper.

"I will do what I please with you." He whispers.

"I-i'll do anything..."

His lips touch my neck, he bites down on it which makes me yelp, he's not biting down to the point where he'll rip through my skin but to the point where it will wound me and leave a mark, not a "love" mark neither, but a mark that looks as if it was forced out of anger... dominance... pain...

The tears continue to roll down as I bite down hard on the inside of my cheek, starting to taste blood.

Suddenly, he stops, he removes his hands from my sides and walks around so that he's in front of me. I can see full view of him now and it's scarier than when I couldn't see him at all. Making eye contact with him is like two male dogs making eye contact, (except I am a female) they both want to be the dominant one and eventually one will bow down and give up or they will get into a huge, brutal fight. I can't even look at him for more than ten seconds, he's too tempting and too intimidating for me...

When I look into his eyes, I see more than I want too... I can't explain what I see but I know that it is nothing good.

"Quit crying." He commands but I can't help the tears that are falling from my eyes, his jaw tightens and his face turns a bit hint of red. "I'll give you something to cry about." He mutters before lifting his arm and backhanding me across my face, I scream as the throbbing pain beats like a heartbeat against my cheek. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Next time I tell you to do something, you're going to listen to me ok?!"

"Y-yes..." I mumble.

He tilts his head to the side a little and has a faint, evil smile splayed across his lips. "I think you and I are going to have a little bit of fun later..." He says before walking away from me. Once I hear the door of the basement steps close I start bawling, heaving to the point where I'm about to throw up, but knowing if I did he'd make me clean it up.

Please... help me... anyone... anything... get me out of this.

My name is Lexi Princeton, and this is my story.


WARNING: This story WILL contain a lot of abusive situations, there will be a lot of sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse and torture. There will also be many intimate parts, some romantic some not. I will be letting you all know what each chapter will contain but I want to give you a chance to know what's going to be in the story in case you were uncomfortable reading this.

I know a lot of you are probably getting irritated because I post a story and put up like three chapters then stop and start on a new one, I even had this story up but I took it down and the reason why was because I knew I could do it better, I keep stopping my stories because I think they suck but this one... this one i have a feeling will be a good one but that's up to you to decide :)

This story will have weekly updates BUT I am going to tell you now, I have a journal that I'll be writing this story in and I also have my lovely editor @LoveMyJanoskians so keep in mind that I'm not only writing my story in a notebook, but I have to re-type it out on my notes in my phone then send it to my editor so she can fix minor mistakes, Hide And Seek WILL be my main priority.

Nothingh else will be posted but this story (at least until it is finished) but wish me luck on it!

Don't judge so quickly by the bio for this story ;) because it may not be exactly what you think, ALSO when reading this story make sure you pay very close attention to even the smallest things becuase the smallest things always end up the biggest, I foreshadow throught my story a lot too! 

Please vote and COMMENT! Your comments keep me motivated to keep writing and I need the motivation! 

Sorry you had to read this boring crap BUT THANK YOU!!!


Copyright: @Janoskianscherry69

Editor: @LoveMyJanoskians

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