When It Happened

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The stirring woke him, Lucifer ever a light sleeper. Predictably, a flash of annoyance crossed his features, but his lover wasn't conscious to appreciate it. She tossed a little more vigorously, though, eventually starting awake and sitting up.

He was there, hand on her cheek. His ire had fled as reflexively as it had appeared, expression warm and concerned. Propped up on one elbow, he sought her gaze until she was able to focus on him. "It's alright, Maelibi," he whispered, present and attentive in that way he got when he managed to ignore himself and focus on her.

"Frell," she gasped as she flopped back down onto her pillow. Throwing her preternaturally strong arm around his neck, Dune pulled him awkwardly down against her. "Had a horrible dream." Releasing a shuddering breath, the woman barely murmured, "I lost you."

Though he'd long since come to terms with the unmatched power in her mechanical limb, there was still some trepidation when it came to her casual, unthinking use of it. Doc tapped impotently at her elbow even while enjoying the heady scent of her in such close proximity.

"Yes, well," he gently cajoled, "let's not make it a reality."

Realizing his meaning, Maelibi released her grip. He didn't move away, though, instead putting his own arms about her and laying several short kisses along the side of her neck.

"You'll never lose me."

Overcomes by those assuring words in the wake of her nightmare, she rolled to her side, meeting his lips head on in a long, eager kiss. Mindful to keep her mechanical limb away from his neck, her organic fingers slid up into his bed-mussed hair. It was longer than she'd ever seen; they'd yet to find a barber that met his qualifications since leaving Dolomar behind. No doubt he'd have it carefully combed and oiled back soon after rising, before he'd even dressed.

As the kiss broke and her eyes fluttered open once more, she was greeted by the rarity that was his broad smile. There was a single small porthole in the room, admitting a few rays of the early morning sun. These danced amid the green of his eyes, setting an unusual glow and heat there.

It didn't last. Lucifer's smiles never could. He blinked and it dimmed, gradually fading entirely. Maelibi knew him better than anyone, speaking both of all those she knew and all who knew him, but she still didn't fully understand what it was in his mind that seemed to always believe something was wrong if he was just happy. It kept him from ever being so for more than a few seconds at a time.

She didn't understand it, but she'd come to accept it. Sort of. She loved him regardless and was careful to enjoy those moments fully. It wasn't hard.

Falling back into that distant coolness, he rolled away, swigning his legs down and striding from the bed with that same determined gait that took him everywhere he went. As she'd predicted, he made first for the 'fresher to see what he could do to batter back the unruly effects the night had had on his hygeine. Calling back out to her, he gently suggested she get up as well. He'd already told that this was the day he'd scheduled their meeting to negotiate the price for the Nubian drive core they'd need to complete the upgrades on Invisus. Or Sweet Far Thing, as she'd rechristened their ship.

It was an important day.

Sighing, Dune rolled over, not quite ready to let go of the reassurance of their shared bed.



She looked up from the wildflower she'd been examining, surprise in her gaze that erased the plans she had to jokingly ask him what the blossom was. It was a running joke from an expedition back when they were still Confederate pilot/commandoes, although she only kept it going for how severely her lover always rolled his eyes. Any such amusement was lost in the confusion at him using her surname. It was what she preferred to go by, but he never called her simply Dune, having shifted from the more formal Miss Dune to Maelibi as their relationship deepened.

For him to use it now was just weird.

"What?" She stood and strolled back over to where his pace continued over the rolling grassy plains. Nubia was a beautiful world, fertile and warm, though she knew these were not positive qualities in Lucifer's mind, too steeped in his upbringing on the frigid rock that was Dolomar.

"Hmm? Oh, no, I was just..." His lips pursed in thought. "Testing out the name."

"For me?" She still didn't understand.

"No." He shook his head, seeming too distracted to give a more complete answer, hands running over the body of the medkit he carried. He always carried that thing, certainly earning his callsign.

Doc fell silent, eyes on his feet as they walked. At least until she poked him in the rib. Glancing at the curiosity she continued to plainly wear, he finally began to explain.

"Having relinquished any claim to a Dolomari noble house, my legal name is no longer of any great relevance." The faintest frown touched his lips. "And given the complicated and unpleasant nature of my relationship with my deceased father, I do not precisely place much sentimental value upon his surname."

Though she followed his words without trouble, Maelibi still didn't grasp where he was going with them. "So," she tentatively tried for clarification, "You wanna change your name to Lucifer Dune?"

He nodded brusquely. "It is not unheard of. More than one of the great houses are matriarchal in nature." A wry smile replaced his frown. "The Vasilyevs, for example—I know you remember them—have long required males who joined the family to take their name rather than a daughter giving up hers."

Dune's dark eyes narrowed at the mention. She didn't find the whole thing nearly so amusing as he still did, apparently. She blamed him for her embarrassment anyway. Before making a scene never would've bothered her, but he had her so concerned about appearance at that particular event. But when she'd seen him dancing with the little blonde noblewoman, so elegant and graceful and part of his then world, jealousy had overwhelmed her.

She hadn't meant to let the strength of her arm get away from her. She hadn't meant to literally flip the table.

Irritation at the memory being brought up started to fade as she focused on the whole of what he'd said, watching him with increasingly widening eyes as he opened a small compartment on the medkit and fished something out.


"Do you also remember Corellia? Aiofe's cousin's ceremony?" She nodded faintly at the question, finding inhalation difficult. "You asked me when everything we saw there would be ours  I didn't have an answer."

Sinking to one knee on the grass, Doc held up the simple ring, set with a solitary fiery red gem. "Now I do. That time is now, if you still want it."

For several moments Maelibi flatly couldn't speak, though she managed a few more feeble nods. The sun above had everything around looking particularly vibrant, the soft grass mirrored in Doc's upturned eyes. At her wordless affirmation, his brightest smile regrew, but where she saw it most were the fields of green that appeared a little more moist than he'd ever admit.

Overcome, she tackled him into a tight hug, easily bowling over the slender man. As they rolled uncaring down the shallow hill, her lips found his once again.

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