a moment

151 3 27

So, they've met ;) what happens next...

(Shoma's pov)

We've got more shows today.
More performances to give, more people to meet.

I have an official sign and great meeting with my fans after the morning show today.

I wonder if I'll see her again.

Would she be there?

Would she care?

I hope so.


I'm walking out of the stadium after the show with my body guards to start greeting my fans and start the signing meeting.


It's Mai.

She comes running to me and smiling like the cutest princess ever. She's just so precious, you gotta love her.

"Mai-chan, what's up?"

"I just wanted to ask if I could get a picture." She looks down shyly, blushing slightly.

"Of course we can!"

After we snap a picture, I really have to go. I can't be late, so I run.

My body guards are way ahead of me, and they're waiting for me, but someone runs right past me in that moment.

For some reason my head turns, almost as if it was my natural instinct, and I see that's it's her.

The girl from yesterday.

No, Lexi.

As I stop, she stops too.

I turn around to see her smiling at me again.

I smile back, and call her name.
The word falls out of my mouth sweetly.


"Hey, Shoma. I really have to go, but it's nice seeing you again. Ihre Leistung war gestern die schönste und inspirierendste Sache, ich habe jemals gesehen. Danke schon."

She shouts something in a foreign language I don't understand before running in the same direction as before, rushing off to who knows where, away from me.

Before I can saying anything, she's gone.

My mouth is left open, the words still stuck somewhere between my disorientated brain and my pounding heart.

Disappointed, I continue back in the direction of my body guards, but can't seem to find the energy to run anymore.

She was gone so fast.

I wanted to tell her so many things.

Like how her words inspired me, how she motivated me to give that performance yesterday. I also needed to thank her.

And I had hoped to not forget her. I wanted to ask where she was from, since she's obviously not a local girl. I wonder if she could teach me English. I wanted to ask her age, her home, if she saw me performing last night, if she was proud of me. I wanted to ask what she thought of my performance. I wanted to get to know her, to stay in touch with her.

But fate would have it so that we'd probably never see each other again...

And what was that weird language she spoke?
Sounded European. I wonder if she's from Europe? If she's just visiting, or on holiday?

And what did she say in that language?

I remember vaguely the sounds she made, but there's no way I can decipher what she said without knowing the spelling or the words, or the language they're from.

(Lexi's pov)

I can't believe I bumped into him again.

If I didn't have to run, I would love to stay and talk. But it seems like he was in a rush too.

And besides, mum's already annoyed that I left my water bottle in the stadium yesterday and she had to drive me here again today to try and look for it. If I had been delayed even more, who knows how mad she'll be.

And can you believe how forgetful I am, that I even forgot to take my bottle with me after the show yesterday?

But then, if I had remembered to take it, I wouldn't have bumped into Shoma again today.

This can't be a coincidence.
But it can't be fate, can it?

I shake my head at my own fantasizing self and tell myself if it were fate, he wouldn't be in a rush either and could probably meet each other properly or something. I mean, isn't that how it is on movies?

But, of course it has to be like this.

The moment I see the skater I've most wanted to meet, I can't stay for long.

I'll probably never see him again.

Finding my water bottle, I leave the stadium, wishing I'd bump into him just once more.

(Shoma's pov)

"You're welcome!" I greet a fan of mine cheerfully after giving her my autograph.

There's still such a long line of people, but meeting my fans is always fun. Everyone is so supportive and kind.

I just wish she was here.

I keep cranning my neck to see past people and try to get a glimpse of her ginger hair.

But it doesn't exist.

All I see are mostly Japanese people, some other Asians.

No sign of any Caucasians.

What is this feeling of disappointment in my mind?

This is probably the only other place I might see her unless fate works it's magic again.

I don't believe we met by coincidence.

But I feel like I'll never see her again.

Please just let me see her one more time. We just need more time next time.

I plead to God in heaven for the chance to see her again.
I don't even know her full name or anything about her besides her name, whereas if she's a fan, she probably knows just about everything about me already.

It's strange to miss something you never had. I barely "had" her, yet I'm so afraid to lose her.

If only I understood why I feel this way about a stranger I only met 24 hours ago.

In that split second, everything rushed through me. I wonder, how does a moment last a lifetime?



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