'fuck off dylan'

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/They all get back into the car and set off, its like 4am and its still very dark\
Beth; I really don't like this..
Ethan; what's wrong?
/he puts his hand on Beth's leg\
Beth; its creepy.. and I'm tried, I'm scared that we're gonna crash..
Ethan; you want me to drive?
Beth; please.
/Beth stops the car, and her and Ethan swap places\
Ethan; hey, you look cold. You want my hoodie?
Beth; yes, if it's okay.
/Ethan grabs it from his bag and passes it to Beth, she puts it on\
Ethan; ready?
Beth&Gray: yeah
/he starts to drive, Beth soon falls asleep\
Grayson; Ethan, how long now..
Ethan; about 10 miles
Grayson; I'm so worried..
Ethan; I know you are gray, we all are
Grayson; I can't stop thinking about her E, I need her..
Ethan; I guess it's why you've been acting weird lately..
Grayson; yeah.
/Ethan drives a little faster\
*at Dylan's apartment*
Dylan; no one is going to find you here..
You; ...
Dylan; so why don't we have some fun?
You; leave me alone
Dylan; my brothers got a kiss, so why can't I?😉
You; your sick, what wrong with you
/Dylan comes closer to and grabs you face, you turn your head and shout\
Dylan; no one is going to find you.
Grayson; really? Because I think I just have.
You; GRAYSON!!!!
/Ethan and Beth follow Grayson into the room, Grayson punches Dylan and untied you from the chair\
You; thank you😭
/Dylan gets up\
Dylan; long time no see
Ethan; stop trying Dylan, you've wrecked our family enough.
Dylan; so how's life going little bros?😈
Grayson; fuck off dylan.
/Dylan punches Grayson, Grayson punches back, you all run out the door, Ethan calls the cops\
*10 minutes later, the cops are here, Dylan is in a police car*
You; Grayson, I..I can't believe it
/he pulls you close, you out your head on his chest and everything starts to become real\
Grayson; hey, don't worry. You're safe now, I've got you
/you look up and see that Graysons face is bleeding\
You; gray..
Grayson; what..
/You look up to his head, he notices and he touches it,  looks at his hand and sees the blood\
Grayson; I'm okay.
Ethan; we're taking you to the hospital, get in
/you all get into the car, Ethan and Beth in the front, you and gray in the back. You both fall asleep, holding each other's hand\

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