Chapter 1

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The key for this book is the same as my other books

Tomika's POV

The others can't find out about my secret they would hate me. I hate keeping this secret from the band but I have to, to protect them. Right now I am in the classroom early working on a song. The others don't know that I can write songs. Just then the  others walk through the door

Summer: hey Tomix what you working on

Tomika: it's nothing Sum

I put the song that u have been working on in my bag before the others see it

Zack: Tomika just tell us what you were working on

Tomika: I said it was nothing

Freddy: Tomika where do you go after school every day

I can't tell them about my training. If they find out that I'm bionic (A/N: shoutout to the person who knows what show this is from) they will stop talking to me. I was shook out of my thoughts by Freddy

Freddy: Tomika, Tomika

Tomika: what Freddy

Freddy: are you going to tell us

Tomika: no

Lawrence: your keeping secrets from us

Tomika: I gotta go

Summer: go where Tomix

Without answering summer's question I get up and leave but zack stops me by grabbing my wrist tightly. Without thinking I activate one of my bionics. I can increase and decrease my body temperature

Zack: oww

Summer: Zack are you ok

Zack: why is your skin hot Tomika

Tomika: I don't know what you are talking about Zack my skins feels fine

Zack: summer put your hand on her skin

I then cool my skin back to normal before summer put her hand on my skin

Summer: her skin feels normal zack

Zack then puts his hand back on my skin

Zack: I don't get that it was just hot and now it's fine

I then geoleap out of the room when no one is looking and I make my way to training

Summer's POV

The band is discussing what song we should sing at battle of the bands. And Lawrence is trying to get our attention

Lawrence: GUYS

summer: what is it Lawrence

Lawrence: where's Tomika

Summer: she's right -

When I look in the direction I thought she was to find that she wasn't there

Summer: where is she

Freddy: she was here just a minute ago

Zack: and she didn't leave through the door

Summer: how do you know that

Zack: I was watching the door to see if my brother would walk in

Lawrence: then how did she leave if she didn't go through the door

Summer: I don't know but we need to find out

Freddy, Zack and Lawrence: yeah we do


Nobody's POV

mr Swann: Tomika your late

Tomika: sorry my friends are getting suspicious

Mr Swann: then make them not

Tomika: it's getting harder and harder everyday mr Swann

Mr Swann: we'll figure out a way Tomika

Simon and max then walk into the lab where Tomika is

Simon: Tomika your late again

Tomika: Simon my friends are getting more suspicious of where I go after school everyday

Simon: we'll figure something out Tomika

Max: are we training or what

Mr Swann: that's what we're here for. Guys Lasers training

Mr Swann then starts the lasers and Simon, Tomika and Max start dodging the lasers.


Me Swann: go back to school Tomika

Tomika: ok

Tomika then geoleaps to the classroom but lucky no one was in there but mr Finn who was focused on his donut to notice Tomika popping in. Mr Finn looked up so Tomika made herself invisible before mr Finn saw her. Mr Finn then leaves and Tomika makes herself visible and she sighs

Tomika: I have got to come up with a better plan

Tomika didn't realise that Zack was behind her

Zack: plan for what Tomika

Tomika then turned round using her super speed

Zack: how can you move that fast

Tomika then looked worried and she super speeds back to the lab before Zack could stop her

Tomika's secret (completed)Where stories live. Discover now