Hard to get - Andy Biersack

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Hey. My name is Amanda. Some facts about me? Um... I'm 21, single, and a feminist. Yes. Feminist. So fuck you if you hate it. I also have an addiction to bands.

At a bar, is where I met HIM. The man that changed my life.


"How about you fuck off?" I snarled, a man with Indian features seeming offended. "Do you even know who I am?! I am the Ashley fuckin Purdy!" He said, glaring as he walked off. I smirked. I knew full well who he was. He gave a bad image to one of my favorite bands, Black Veil Brides.

"Woah, that was harsh." A deep voice interrupted my thoughts. I shrugged, looking down at my drink "serves him right. Asshole dosnt know jack shit."

"That asshole happens to be my friend."

I looked up, blinking. Holy hell, it was Andy Biersack. Just because I'm a feminist dosnt mean I don't have celebrity crushes. Shh.

"He treated me like an object. I told him off. It's simple, Mr. Biersack." I smirked, leaning back. He sat in the stool next to me, the one previously taken by the Purdy boy. Andy crossed his legs, which were covered in tight leather, a smirk on his face

"So you know who I am?"

"Duh. Your the lead for Black Veil Brides."

"Since you know who I am, who are you?" He flashed the famous half smile, making most girl from a puddle under them. Not this one. Typical boys.

"The name is Amanda."

"So, Amanda, what's a girl like you doing in a bar like this?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Wow, real original." Que the eye roll.

"Just a question. This dosnt seem like it would be your scene." He said with a simple shrug.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Look at you. Decently dressed, a smart mouth...why hang out in a sleezy bar?"

"Could say the same to you, rock star."


I found myself smirking, despite my efforts to not be affected by him. As I knocked back the rest of my drink, he took out a pack of cigarets.

"Wanna catch a smoke with me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he held the opened pack out to me.

Nicotine was my other addiction.

I carefully snagged one of the thin tobacco filled sticks, nodding. He opened the door for me -pah. I don't need that. I could have done it myself.- and lead me to an ally. What the hell is this guy trying to do..?

He lit his, then offered the lighter to me. I shook my head, getting my black zippo out, the anarchy A enshrined in blood red on it. "Thanks for the cigaret" I said with the stick between my lips.

"No prob." He inhaled deeply, eyes closing. A peace seemed to flood over him as he exhaled, grey white smoke billowing into the night air. With a frown, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Why exactly did you bring me out here?"

"For a smoke." He made it seem like the answer was obvious. As if.

"I mean, really? Why?" He stayed quiet, glancing at me.

"Well, Biersack?" I put my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes.

"Stop that." He looked irritated. No, aggravated .

"Stop what?" I raised my eyebrows, taking a long drag of the cigaret, puffing smoke out into the sky.

"THAT. Being...defiant." He narrows his eyes, glaring at me.

"Defiant...?" I repeated slowly, frowning. What the hell? Who does he think he is? Granted, I enjoyed this little game he started, but Im not going to let him win...I always play hard. "I'm not a child. 'Stop being defiant'" I said with a sharp 'ha!' At the end. Apparently he didn't like that, mister rockstar looked mighty pissed.

"This is your last chance, Amanda." Andy looked tense, his eyes glued on me.

"Oh I'm shaking in my boots." I wiggled my shoulders, smirking.

"You little fucker..." He mumbled under his breath. Before I knew it I was being slammed against the ally wall, his face inches from mine, a devilish grin on his lips.

"You test me. You defy my. You play hard to get. I like that. This, THIS, is why I asked you out here." He said calmly, the smirk staying on his lips. "You would be a perfect submissive."

Woah. That escalated quickly. As much as I wanted to knee him in the bits and tell him off, I couldn't. Submissive...? Me? My silence seemed to make andy happier.

"Your a feminist right? I can tell. You don't like being treated like an object, like your inferior, right?" He said it more as a statement, my silence continuing. "You push others away, wanting to seem strong, stronger than you are. Perhaps a bad childhood...? And yet...you want something. You want to be dominated, because you are always the dominant one. You want a little change of pace. Not permanent, not all the time." His voice got lower, a growl escaping his lips.

My heart pounded, my inner goddess finally being awakened. She cheered andy on, wanting him to desperately continue his speech. My feminist side glared at her, flipping her the bird and tapping her boot. But, as much as it killed me to admit it, andy got it. My goddess stuck her tongue out at my feminist side, dancing like a fool.

"So what if your right?" I finally spoke up, "that dosnt mean I'll be your submissive." My feminist smirked some, my goddess pouting.

"Unless I make you."

Oh no.

'Oh yes!' My goddess cheered, pumping her hands in the air as my feminist scowled

"As if I'll submit to you." I managed to keep my ground, narrowing my eyes.

Did I want him to make me?

Goddess: Yes!

Feminist: fuck no!

He grinned "let someone in. Let that someone be me." His voice was low, husky...a growl to it. Good god was it sexy. He suddenly attacked my lips with his, a mind blowing kiss. He seized control immediately. In my past relationships, I had always been the more dominant one, even during intimate times.

This was new territory for me. And I wanted to explore.

- fast foreward a few months-

I woke up in bed, groaning, my wrists still sore from the metal cuffs used the night before. Where was my lover? The only one who I ever let be dominant over me? Where was andy?

"Your awake." The deep voice which I loved so much spoke, the tall dark haired man I adored was in the doorway, only in batman briefs. So cute. A trey of pancakes in his hands.

"Hope your hungry Amanda." He said with a smile.

"I always am, you wore me out last night." I grinned, stretching like a happy cat who just caught the mouse.

Andy grinned, joining me on the bed "as I say every day, playing hard to get pays off huh?"


Written for andybierswag

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