The One

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Request for njrisbae

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Request for njrisbae

Hope you like it Gabriella!

Grayson Imagine


Gabriella strolled into school as KJ's hand swung around her waist and his lips laid a kiss upon her soft forehead making her smile beyond belief. Her hands roamed his ginger coloured hair as they hugged with her head in his chest just inhaling his masculine scent. 

Not too far from the sunshine was dark gloomy clouds as the boy pushed up his black thick framed glasses and held onto his books tightly at the heart breaking sight, one in which was unbelievably hurtful and heart wrenching towards him, he had  never felt such pain until now. 

Gabriella's head pulled away from KJ's head as she looked towards Grayson, his glasses nearly falling off his face as they were fogged up, she was too clueless when it came to his crying because of the distance. Their eyes met as her head pointed towards outside, signalling a meet up, one that was dearly needed and one they didn't have in a long time. 

She bid her goodbyes with her boyfriend with a single kiss that made her heart flutter, however, it slightly broke when she heard a sniffle from the brunette who stood in front of the door which lead to the bleachers on the green turf. 

They walked out together and faces each other when they were sheltered by the shady bleacher, it made his eyes seem as though they were darker than usual but the hurt was evident in his eyes as the tears threatened to fall from them. She tried to engulf him in a hug but he pushed her back slightly with a small amount of his strength. 

"You knew I'm not your type but still you let me stay, why?" He managed to speak without an impediment in his voice, his speech was only laced with venom as he continued which made Gabriella speechless. 

"I must be thinking too much, trying to win this game,  I thought I love you from the moment that we met. Too blind to see you were a bullet to my head. Why do you say you love me when you clearly don't feel the same way towards me as you feel with KJ?" 

Again silence. 

"You promised dreams, you promised things I'd never see,  all that I had to do was just stop being me. I was never your type, I would have to change myself just to get your attention, I had to be like that jock when obviously I couldn't."

She felt sympathy towards him as he continued with his rheumy eyes. 

"How can you love me back? I'm not what you believe and I never would be, I was just too blind to see I was a joker up your sleeve. Do you always hurt the ones you love or am I not considered one?"

She was crying now, she had terribly messed up. 

"I don't want to fall in love again, not if I end up getting hurt the same way it ended up with you. It's like I'm holding onto something that's pretend. If I knew then what I know now, I'd never hurt, I wouldn't have to go through this annoying and irritating pain that I got from loving you."

"But sometimes falling down is how we ever learn." She finally spoke, in an attempt to pacify him but her attempt proved futile. 

"I thought I love you 'til forever, but instead, I was too blind to see forever wasn't far ahead. Tell me do you always hurt the ones you love or am I even considered on of them, tell me." His confidence surprised him as he awaited an answer but she remained silent once more. 

"Tell me when you have your answer, let me know when you are ready to stop breaking my heart and be straightforward with me." Grayson walked away, his glasses still foggy and hanging at the bridge of his nose. 

His behaviour surprised her but she expected this, she knew she couldn't have the best of both worlds and soon she would have to choose who her heart yearned for more  and right then and there, she made up her mind that Grayson wasn't the one. 


Ou burn.

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