Lo siento, mi tiempo de títulos referidos al reto murió, no los soporté >:V
El día de hoy les traigo una canción que aunque no me la sepa (no me perdono), la grito a penas escucharla.
He stumbled into faith and thought,
"Gods, this is all there is?"
The pictures in his mind arose,
And began to breathe.
And all the gods and all the worlds
Began colliding on a
Backdrop of
Blue lips,
Blue veins.
He took a step, but then felt tired.
He said, "I'll rest a little while."
But when he tried to walk again,
He wasn't a child.
And all the people hurried fast,
Real fast,
And no one ever smiled.
Blue lips,
Blue veins.
The color of our planet from far, far away.
He stumbled into faith and thought,
"God, this is all there is?"
The pictures in his mind arose,
And began to breathe.
And no one saw, and no one heard.
They just followed the lead.
The pictures in his mind arose,
And began to breed.
They started out beneath the knowledge tree.
Then they chopped it down to make white picket fences,
And, marching along the railroad tracks,
They smile real wide for the camera lenses.
They made it past the enemy lines
Just to become enslaved in the assembly lines.
Blue lips,
Blue veins.
The color of our planet from far, far away.
The most human color.
The most human color.
The most human color...
Blue lips,Blue veins. Blue, The color of our planet from far, far away.
Que quieren que explique de la canción? Simplemente siento que me da vida, no se como explicarlo. Hay una parte que pareciera que la canta con dolor, con pesadez, y eso me da más razones para que me guste.
El piano me da una chispa que no reconozco, y siempre, siempre siento un escalofrío al escuchar la canción. Un escalofrío de los buenos.
No sé porqué.
-Cat, over.
PD. Estaba viendo Harry Potter, la profesora McGonagall dijo muggles y entendí mocos :v "Esos son los más grandes mocos que he visto en toda mi vida" Quehorriblewey.
Un estómago en mi corazón
RandomTe advierto que te podrás reír con las cosas que me pasan, oh, lleva un casco y un escudo, vas a asomarte a mis pensamientos. ○Advertencia, el blog podrá contener cosas raras, normales, locas, originales, también canciones, historias que se me...