Part Twenty Eight: Bill and Fleur's wedding

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.This Is How Hermione Now Looks Like, Seriously, Bellatrix 2.0.

I heard people planning on attacking the wedding of Bill and Fleur Delacour. Seriously, Bill with that Fleur? But they were so.. different! Ugh.. why did I even bother? In their eyes no one could get worse than me: a traitor.

"Hermione dear," mother yells out for me. I walk inside the office and Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Dolohov, Rookwood, Greyback, Yaxley and the Carrows stand there around the big wooden round table with Voldemort.

I curtsey for him and blend in around the table. "What is it," I ask them. "Dear Miss Lestrange, wee have a mission for you, together with the others." "What is it," I ask again. "You will be.. crashing the wedding of William Weasley and Fleur Delacour."

"What do you mean by that, Lord," I aks him. Some people gasp at my rudeness, but seriously, 'Lord' isn't so rude! Just that they said 'my Lord' didn't mean I had to say the same! "You and some of the other Death Eaters here are going to attack them on that wedding. It isn't such a hard job, so I thought you would pull it off great."

"When is it?" "Tomorrow." "Do I need to prepare something?" "No, everything is already done. I dismiss you now, have a nice day." "Same for you Lord." I walk off and go to my room. This time, I did find my room! I'm proud of myself.

Not much time later someone knocks on my door. "Come in," I reply while I am busy searching for a book from the bookshelf. My dad enters. "Hello dear. Are you ready for your first task," he asks.

"Yes I am.. I guess. I just don't know what I should do when I see them. They probably know who I am already, so.." "You won't go alone there, your mother and I are there as well to protect you from them."

"I'm just.. scared for their disappointment. Did I choose right dad?" "What have you chosen then?" "Family.. family over my friends." "I think you chose right, but that is my opinion. You can only say for yourself if you agree."

I nod quietly and grab a book from the shelf. He presses a kiss on the side of my head and leaves again. Tomorrow.. tomorrow I should fight my old friends with my new family. What a mess.

The next evening we float like a black gass through the air. In the tent, out of the gass my body  forms again and I draw my wand, pointing it at the first person I saw. Mrs Weasley, great. Mrs Weasley looks around and sees me.

"Her.. Hermione? Are you really here," she asks, her wand pointed at me. I let out a single tear and whisper to her. "Ye.. yes.." "Please Hermione, you don't belong with Death Eaters, you're not evil. Come back to us, I'm begging you," Mrs Weasley begs.

More tears stream down my cheeks and ruin the eyeliner and mascara I was wearing. "I.. I can't Mrs Weasley." "You can Hermione! Turn your back to You-Know-Who and come with us," Mrs Weasley pleads. I point my wand at her, whispering softly and emotional.

"Petrificus Totalus."

Mrs Weasleys arms and legs snap to her body and she falls on her back. I quickly walk over to her and look in her eyes. I stroke her cheek. "I'm so sorry Mrs Weasley, but I had to. I can't have both," I told her and press a kiss on her cheek. I stand up and walk over to my mother and father. All the guests are gone.

"Harry Potter, Ronald and Ginevra Weasley are gone. Apparated away to wherever," Yaxley told us. Bellatrix grabs my hand and Apparates me back to Malfoy Manor. "What now mum," I ask her. 

"We don't know, I guess we will wait for a plan," mother replies. She kisses my cheek and walks out. "Before I leave, go to sleep honey. It is already late and you're probably tired," mother told me. She waves and walks out of my room. I took her advise and go to sleep.

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