Adam & Steve: Reborn - Chapter Five

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"Again!" Steve two screamed.

"Please, don't make me do this again. We've done enough, you need to rest," I pleaded.

Steve two was strung up on a machine with wires connecting to every part of his skin. He was bleeding, his veins were visible, his eyes were red, I couldn't make him go through this again. The machine was meant to inject him with enough energy to open a portal on another planet, not kill him. And it was killing him.

"We haven't had any positive progress in two weeks, we have no time to be resting," he growled. He wasn't giving up, he wanted the machine to work. But it was the best I could have built in the time we had.

The wires burned bright when I pressed the button again, throwing him into a cycle of screaming and bleeding. I couldn't watch for more than a minute before I slammed the eject button and let Steve two fall down from the machine.

Not caring what he had to say, I ran towards him and tried picking him up, but his skin shocked me. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him before I tried to do it again. He didn't complain or say anything while he let himself be taken back to the house to rest.

I cleaned the sweat, blood and dirt on his body with a warm towel. My hands were trembling as they brushed the damped towel over his skin. I was terrified of what was to come. Yesterday, he said we only had a day or two max, and then we would be gone in the blink of an eye.

When he fell asleep, I laid beside him with my back to him and just stared at the walls, thinking about all of the memories I had with friends and family from the past and the present. Would they feel pain when it happened? Steve two said the aliens stopped time, and then most of the world would be gone, except for a handful of people who were left to be studied. And that included me and Adam, but Adam was on another planet, so it didn't even matter, I never knew Adam, Steve two's plan wasn't going to work here, he had to leave to the next universe soon to keep going, keep searching for the perfect pair.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until about four hours later, when it was night and Steve two was pressed up against me with his arm around me in a warm embrace. I was going to miss him a lot. He felt like a brother to me, a twin I always wish I had. We were together every second for the past few weeks. We shared so many stories and laughs, and now it was going to be over soon. I was so scared, I didn't want to be alone, and I didn't want to die.

His arm was tight around me, like maybe he didn't want to let me go either. Or he was afraid to be alone again and I was the only sensible person he had met on his journey. I fell back asleep with a tear running down my face.

When I woke up again, I wish I hadn't. It was still dark even though my body was telling me it shouldn't still be dark. But what freaked me out the most was the deafening high pitch sound coming from the sky. I covered my ears to block out as much as I could as I laid scared and nervous on the bed. Steve two had long stopped hugging me and was also covering his ears behind me.

There were flashes of blue lights outside my windows. The high pitch sound kept going but new sounds joined. If this was how I was going to die, I wanted to see how I was going to die. I got out of the bed and ran to the window and opened the curtains. I fell on my knees as I looked at the sky. Everything looked unreal.


I looked back at the bed at Steve two, he was staring at me with fear in his eyes. I barely heard his voice from all the noise. My eyes were pulled back to the sky and I watched in awe as the ship appeared through the grey clouds, almost becoming one with them. It was difficult to dissociate each other. The colors were dark and metallic, but clearly made of some other world element and not something basic as metal.

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