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I was speechless.
Its not like ive never kissed a guy before its just...its just...i dont really know to be honest

I began to walk out
I was there and ethan was alreay laying on his towel
I just looked at him and admired his beauty.
Do i like him?
I shook my head..

I layed down on my towel next to alex
I began to think about random stuff
What does grayson and jelena take so long?
Maybe she...
OMG no way!
She isnt really having sex with grayson, is she?

"Ethan?"i asked
"Huh?" He replied
"Where are Grayson and Jelena?"
"I dont really know should we look for them?" He asked looking in my eyes

Omg his eyes are so beautiful
I cant think propertly when i see those eyes
Im getting weak. His perfect sharp jawline. His plump pink lips....His sm-

"Kylie?" He asked interrupting my thoughts
"Huh what?" I asked  embarassed
He chuckled

"Should we look for them?" He asked me again

"Yeah please!"i said

Ethan and I began to walk to the bar looking around
But no grayson nor jelena

We walked to the toilets
We opened the door
And there was...

Nobody (haha gotchu!😂😋)

Ethan looked at me confuesed

I just shrugged my shoulders
We walked out again and we saw grayson and jelena laying on their towels

What the heck?!

I looked at ethan he probably thought the same thing

"Whats up guuys! Where were you??!"
I asked

I looked at them...they looked at each other in a awkward way and both blushed.

Omg thats what i thought

"YOU HAD SEX?!" Ethan shouted

"Pshhhh NO!" Jelena said to ethan
"Then what did you do?!" Ethan asked again

"Nothing!" They both said at the same time
Ethan and I raised an eyebrow at them

"WHAT?!" grayson shouted

"We dont believe you guys!" I said
Ethan nodded in agreement

"Oh okay then dont believe us. We dont even care!" Grayson said annoyed
"And what did you guys do in the water probably 20 minutes ago?" Jelena asked

I looked at ethan..he smirked

"Nothing!" I said now me blushing looking down

Ethan also looked down

"That didnt look like it was nothing Kylie!" Jelena said

Looking at me with a raised eyebrow

I blushed even more
I looked at ethan he smiled at me
Such a cutie..his white teeth were showing
Such a sun for me.

Jelena just laughed at us

"Uhmm ethan can i talk to you lil quick?" I asked ethan

"Yes lets go" he said

We walked along the beach

"Umm ethan what was that in the water?" I asked him

"I couldnt resist" he said winking at me
I blushed
"Why?" I asked
"Well look at you...you are perfect! I just...i just..i dont know what got into me...maybe it was a bad idea" he said fustrated
"No it wasnt eth!" I said
"What?" He stopped walking and looked at me surprised
"Well E i really liked it" i said smirking
Ethan just stared at me and said nothing
"Can you please say something" I said to him
"Uhhmmm w-what do I say?" He said unsure
"Did you like it?" I asked him
He looked at me scratching his neck "well i liked it obviously. But how will your brother react when he finds out...he's goining to kill me Kylie!"
"Ethan! He doesn't have to know about it?" U said
"But what if he finds out on accident?" Ethan asked
"It's not going to happen eth!" I said laughing
"Okay okay..." he said

"Well kylie you want to be a manager right?" Ethan asked completly changing the subject

"Yeah jelena too" i said

"Hmm okay" he said
"Why are you asking?" I asked
"For no reason i just wanted to ask" he said

"Okay" i said

We walked and talked a lot..
After about 1 hour we went back to grayson and Jelena

Grayson and jelena were just chillin under the sun

Ethan and I layed down too

*skip chillin*

We were now at home watching a movie.
It actually is a scary movie and i hate it.

I was sitting next to ethan..ethan was sitting next to grayson and grayson next to jelena

Jelena and grayson were already asleep

I looked at ethan and realized he was staring at me the whole time

He leaned in

I didnt lean in I pulled back
My mind is telling me "no" but my body..my body is telling me "yes"
(A/N see what I did here😉)

"W- whats up? Did i do somethung wrong?" Ethan asked with a sad look on his face

"No no you didnt do anything wrong..i just want to take it slow" i said smiling

"Can I have just one little kiss?" He asked
"No!" I said laughing

"Just one kiss please?" He said begging
I gave in and just pecked his lips for a second
"Reaalllyyy?" He looked at me with a sad look

"What you said a little kiss!" I laughed
"No i didnt say a peck i said a kiss!" He argues
"Fiiinnnne" i said leaning in
Our lips touched giving me butterflies...our lips were molding together like a puzzle..
He kissed me with so much passion
After we pulled away we looked at each other and smiled

"Well that was great." He said
I chuckled "yeah it was"

Im sooo sorry i didnt upload a chapter sooner but school is killing me right now! I hope u understand guys... today im going to write a chapter again sooo stay tuned!

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