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Charas POV

Oh Frisk. Merciful, innocent Frisk. Unknown what's about to come to you.

We walked down the stupid hallway until we got to those thick woods i remember. Me and my, Me and Asriel would play back here when we were kids. The trees were perfect for hide in seek.

"c-chara I'm c-c-cold." I blinked. Oh right Frisk could still feel the weather, unlike me. I looked over to my side maybe finding something to put on frisk. they were, after all, only wearing shorts and a pair of lenging. At least they had on hiking boots.

As i looked around I found a camera. Alphys. me and Frisk are going to have a fun time with her and her fishy girlfriend. They always had a thing for each other, and at one point in time i would have found it cute, but now all I see is weakness. Who needs love if you can have power.

That's what life is really about. how much power can you get, and how many people are in your control.

Seeing Frisk continue to shiver i decided we should get going. Maybe in snowden they can relax for a bit if, you know, everyone isn't dead yet. "Don't worry Frisk, There's a town up ahead were you can relax and warm up." I said smiling, trying to reassure their trust in me.

I think I shook that trust a bit when I made her Kill Toriel. What can I say, they were to much of an idiot to see what I was doing the whole time.They only nodded and started to trudge forward.

We continued to the path until we came across a stick. She gulped at how big it was and just jumped over it. I simply floated over it, why waste the energy to break it. That's when we heard a snap. The branch had broke.

"C-Chara, did y-you b-break that huge b-br-branch?" Frisk whispered to me. "I'm afraid not." I whispered back. I would usually never whisper, but I knew that that smiley trashbag could see and hear me, as much as he would deny it.

Frisk began to run away from it, forcing me to chase after them. I noticed someone following us and shrugged it off. Frisk could defeat them if they tried anything.

Frisk ran out of breath at this stupid bridge thing. I think it was supposed to be a gate of some sort but the posts were to spread apart. "Frisk what are you doing keep going." I hissed at them, but they just shook their head. That's when the crunching of snow behind us stopped.

"Human." is all he said in his stupid deep voice before Frisk turned around and shook his hand. When they did that a loud fart noise sounded. Frisk giggled a little and i frowned at their childishness. They looked up and saw the smiley trashbag himseld, Sans the skeleton.

"HAHAHA the old whopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny." when Frisk didnt laugh because i told her not too, and I didn't have a reaction, he swallowed and followed it up with,"thats uh your cue to laugh or, uh, emote at all."

Frisk only blinked at his attempts at a joke. In the awkward silence i read his mind. Gee lady you really know how to pick them, huh? aw, he thinks the goat lady is still alive. hah keep hoping. "OK that's fine." he continued,"everyones got their own sense of humor. Im sans. Sans the Skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on the watch for humans right now,but... you know...I don't really care about capturing anyone." of course he doesn't. He was always to lazy to do anything. Couldn't even watch me and Asriel without falling asleep or slacking off.

"now my brother Papyrus...He's a human hunting FANATIC. hey actually, I think that's him over there." wait, what!? The last time I saw Paps he was a just a babybones, still shorter than Sans. I wonder what he looks like now. Oh my god, is he gonna be short!?

I giggled a little at the thhought. Frisk looked at me weirdly while Sans just sent me a death glare, that eye of his almost glowing or maybe that was a trick of the light. I knew he could see me that stupid comedian.

"hey I have an idea lets go through this gate thing. My bro made the bars to wide to keep anything out." I rolled my eyes. No way, captain obvious! none of us knew that.

They walked through while I floated behind. "quick behind that conveniently shaped lamp!"

"Don't do it Frisk stay where you are."


"Don't you trust me?"

"not really."

"just do it."

"okay, okay"

Sans looked at us weird. "uh ok then I guess you don't have to." Frisk sighed. Did they really want to go behind that stupid lamp. You've got to be kidding me with this human, It's like they want to be a pacifist.

Well, actually, they probably do.

Papyrus ran into the clearing we were standing in. Man Papyrus grew up fast. He was at least six feet. Geez Paps you really grew up on me. Papyrus of course couldn't see me like everyone else, except for Frisk and Sans, but if he could, I might've given a small wave.

"BROTHER! HAVE YOU FOUND A HUMAN YET!??!" I winced slightly. Still as loud as ever. "yeah." dumb comedian. "REALLY!?!? WOWIE!!!" Well Papyruses Body had grown yes, but not so much his IQ or maturity. He was never really on the level of Sans.

"GUESS THAT'S SETTELED." Then he walked away. He seirously walked away. I know how much capturing a human means to him, and he just walks away. IDIOT!

"well,That worked out huh?"

"let's getting going Frisk, we need to get you to snowden." I said floating along. If I had a physical body I might have just put my arm around them, but I know how weird it feels for a ghost to phase through you so I'll stay away from that.

We began to walk towards the town, but not before I turned around and got a glimpse of sans starring strait at me, both eyes completley black. I quickly turned my head.

Stupid comedian.


We met up with the skele bros not two seconds later. That trashbag teleported. He could have just walked. Lazy.

Papyrus continued to be happy about Frisk standing there. I wasn't worried because I knew that Paps wasn't a real threat. We could take him down easily, the real problem is Sans, but sans won't do anything with his brother around. Espeically if it makes him this happy.

Papyrus went on a rant about dangers and puzzles. Frisked looked at me with scared eyes,"what's the problem kid?"

"well it's just, I'm not very good at puzzles..." they trailed off.

"don't worry I'll help you."

"Thanks Chara!" they smiled brightly at me. Maybe i'm restoring some of that old trust. I'll need as much as I can get from them if I want the plan to work. I smiled at them to reassure them some more and I noticed a smal dosage of red on her cheeks.

Are they blushing!? well, that's adorable. What were they blushing at though, me? Ha, keep dreaming Chara. That shouldn't even be a dream I want to happen! Emotions are dumb. Love makes you weak.

Papyrus walked off with an annoying little laugh. Ugh how does Sans tolerate him?

We continued walking. "c-chara how m-mu-much logger un-until we get to that t-town." Frisk asked me shivering. "Just a little bit more. trust me." even though they had no reason to take my word they nodded. So hopeful. So ignorant.

We came across the first puzzle.

"c-chara, I-I can't do t-th-is." They whispered before passing out.

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