Chapter 2 (End)

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There I sat on my bed frozen staring at my phone, shocked and confused. How did I not notice her stealing my things? What would she even do with them? Then I realized something... Was it all just an act? Did she not feel the same way as me? That night was cold and empty. Tears were streaming down my face. That night, for the first time in a while, I cried myself to sleep.


The next morning I woke up and felt like I was just hit by a bus. I looked in the mirror and couldn't even recognize myself. Red, puffy eyes, messy hair, and a frown. This wasn't me, not yet at least.

*BANG* Jungkook busted open the door to the bathroom and yelled,
"Hyung! Get out of the bathroom, I have to take a dump!"

"Kay, let me just grab my things." I said, slightly smiling.

"Wait, wait! Hyung, you're clearly not okay. What happened?" He said, worriedly.

"I don't really wanna talk about it, but thanks for asking anyway!" I forced a smile and went to grab my things.

I walked to the door, quickly trying to hide my change in expression and hoping he wouldn't notice. On my way out, it looked like he saw a ghost. I was stupid to believe that I could hide my pain from Jungkook, my brother.

He grabbed my shoulder and looked me right in the eyes.

"It's the girl, isn't it." He said.

I furrowed my brows and pushed his hand away. I got ready, wrote a little note explaining what happened and stuck it on the wall. I just want to clear my head. I decided to go to the park to be alone for a bit and think about what to do next.


The wind made the autumn leaves fall, landing on the ground only to be crushed by the feet of strangers. That's exactly how I felt at that moment. Betrayed and broken. The wind howled and blew, completely destroying my orange hair. I sighed.

In the distance of the barren park, I saw a figure walking my way, but my vision was skewed due to the hair covering my eyes. Barely able to distinguish the figure, I moved the hair away from my face. Standing before me was Nari. Her slim frame was getting closer and closer. I moved away, hoping that she wouldn't go any further. My heart was going to explode. Without even thinking, my body moved on its own. I sprinted into the forest. I ran for about ten minutes before stopping and catching my breath. I fell to the ground, my chest expanding with every breath. I looked up to the cloud filled sky and shed a tear.


I knew that voice. Where was it coming from? I turned around to see Nari.

"Why are you running away from me?" She said, panting and out of breath.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I said.

"I asked Jungkook because you weren't responding to my texts." She said.

Tch. That traitor. I'll get him back later.

"I came to return your things." She said, extending her arm holding my keys and wallet.

I grabbed the things and lifted myself up from the ground, patting away the dirt.

"You know if you would have just answered my texts, you would know how I got your things." She said.

I just stood there in silence looking inside my wallet to make sure nothing was missing.

"Uhmm I didn't steal anything if that's what you are thinking. ." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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