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Optimus rushed into the den horrified. The cons had rushed them as a distraction, then stormed the den. Arcee was in need of medical attention and the yellow pup was gone. Optimus shut his eyes trying to calm himself. It was to much, he threw his head back and howled.

Megatron heard it, a smile made its was across his twisted muzzle. Optimus would do what ever he wanted to get this pup back. Just as Megatron had planned. The pup whined and squirmed a little, Megatron spat it on the ground before biting into its back leg. The bone seemed in tacked but the leg was severely damaged, the puppy whimpered. "Now you won't be running off anytime soon," he snarled at it. A deep purple wolf, referred to as Soundwave, picked up the pup and carried him back to the pack grounds. The yellow pup curled up trying to hide. His leg hurt and he wanted to go back to the den where he could eat and were he would be taken care of. Megatron left the pup in Soundwave's charge before walking off to check for loop holes in his plot. Starscream followed his leader, not really sure why but he knew he'd find a reason soon enough. A thought came to the pack leader, Optimus would know where to find the pup. Megatron could not loose his bargaining chip, Megatron glanced around to see who was closest... "Starscream!" He barked. Starscream turned immediately to his leader, "Yes lord Megatron?" He asked. "Take the pup and hide him in the mountains, I will summon you to retrieve him later." Megatron instructed. Starscream nodded and did as he was told. He took the pup from Soundwave and begun his climb up the mountain. The pup whimpered, he was cold, hungry, and hurt. He wanted to go home! Starscream dropped him, "Shut up! I do not need to hear your whining the whole time!" He snarled. This shut the puppy up for a while and gave Starscream time to think. What if he used the pup as leverage? And took over the Prime's pack? No, they were loyal to their leader they wouldn't follow him. He could make the bargin to take Prime's territory before Megatron did. No, that wouldn't work either. Megatron could just run him off. For the time being, Starscream would just have to act like a good little beta and do what he was told. The pup began to cry again, Starscream dropped him before bitting him. The pup yelped, it hurt. Starscream bit him once more before picking the puppy back up and continuing. Just as Starscream was about to continue his plotting he heard growles off to his left. There had been rumors that there were 3 or so mountain lions working together. He had dismissed this as no more than some idiot trying to spook his fellow wolves. As everyone knew, mountain lions hunted alone. 4 pairs of sickly yellow eyes watched the wolf holding the tiny pup. An easy meal, they needed it, they hadn't eaten in days. The leader of their group stood, a large scared mountain lion. He charged leading the other 3 at the wolf. Starscream bolted, maybe a strong wolf could take a mountain lion. But 4!? He was a goner. He needed a plan, his gaze fell on the pup. Perfect. He stopped turning to his attackers, "How would you guys like an easy meal?" He asked.

Higher above, in a cave on the side of the mountain. An ear flicked hearing voices, a rich brown eye opened its pupil adjusting to the light. "Mountain lions," it growled.

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