Chapter 4

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 Falconkit woke up to the sun shining in his face, he lifted his head and noticed that Honeykit was already gone. He sighed, she probably went off to Pebblestep's once again. He wasn't sure what her obsession with the medicine cat den was, but he really didn't care. He sat up and stretched out, his claws digging into his moss nest.

"Hey, you're up!" Sorrelkit mewed. "Wanna play with us?" She asked with a flick of her tail, her amber eyes sparkling.

Falconkit's ears twitched. "Maybe in a bit." He really didn't feel like playing kits half his size. He was five moons, they were only three moons and all of them except Pikekit were pretty small. They were even smaller than Sedgekit who was only two moons, but they were just barely a moon younger than Pikekit and his siblings, they would probably become apprentices at around the same time, but not before Falconkit. In just one more moon he would be an apprentice, finally starting his warrior training.

A moon had passed since he ran out of camp, and he was still confined to the nursery. He could go just outside the den, but not unless one of the queens were watching. He hated it, the younger kits had more freedom than him. If only stupid Mudpaw wouldn't have found him, he wouldn't be in this situation. Falconkit huffed and flattened his ears, even thinking about it annoyed him.

He moved to the front of the den and saw Sedgekit, Petalkit and Dovekit playing with each other, they stopped when they saw him. "Look who's up!" Sedgekit purred and bounced over to him.

"Hi." Falconkit stepped back as she got close to him.

"So did you know your sister is gonna be the next medicine cat!" Dovekit announced, Falconkit glared at her.

"That's stupid, why would Honeykit want to become a medicine cat? Being a medicine cat is boring." Falconkit lifted his nose into the air.

"Have you ever been a medicine cat?" Petalkit asked with a flick of her tail.

"No, and I never will be?" Falconkit growled.

"Calm down." Dovekit laughed. "We understand, but Honeykit said she wants to be a medicine cat."

"She said she thought about it." Petalkit corrected her. "Because she's been going to hang out with Pebblestep so much."

Falconkit guessed that made sense, but when they were younger they talked about doing everything together, such as training and battling. Why would she change her mind? Then again she cowered out of leaving the camp with him, why should he care if she wanted to be a medicine cat?

"Whatever," Falconkit looked past them as he heard someone shout. He saw Adderstrike with a cat leaning on him, it looked like Heatherflight from here. He was facing Pebblestep and Honeykit was poking her head out from the medicine cat den. To his surprise he could see blood on Heatherflight, what had happened? Cinderflame and his mother ran up to the cats as well, and most of SunClan was now looking at them. Adderstrike looked scared, and the rest of the cats hearing the conversation looked concerned.

"What's going on over there?" Falconkit heard a mew behind him as Larkkit and his siblings exited the den to stand beside the rest of the kits.

"I don't know," Sedgekit responded. "But it looks like Heatherflight is bleeding!" Petalkit and Dovekit shared a scared glance.

"Was she attacked?"

"Was it another Clan?"

Falconkit watched as Pebblestep took Heatherflight from Adderstrike, and Dawnstar said something to Mudpaw and Redclaw before they ran off in separate directions. Mudpaw seemed to be coming to the nursery, Falconkit flattened his ears. "What's going on, Mudpaw?" Sedgekit asked as he neared.

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