Happy birthday to us

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wooo here is another chapter to my story, i hope you enjoy this chapter.

sorry for any mistakes

enjoy :*

I woke up the next morning to someone shouting happy birthday at the top of their lungs and it wasn't Harry because I could feel him next to me, I flew up in my bed and saw James stood in my room with a handful of balloons and a present in his other hand “ James how the hell did you get in?” I whispered trying not to wake up Harry. James ran across the room and jumped onto my bed which woke Harry up “JAMES GET OFF” I shouted, James burst out laughing “ okay stressy but I want to watch you open your present I got you, and I also bought you guys some breakfast from Starbucks I had a feeling that your lover would be here oh and by the way its a pleasure to met you I'm James May's amazing best friend” James ranted on putting his hand out for Harry to shake.

I watched as Harry put his hand out slowly “ nice to meet you dude”, James grabbed it and shook it violently “ you will never get a job if you shake your employers hand like that” I burst out laughing and James pulled his hand back and grunted “ I was being enthusiastic on your birthday but hey whatever” I laughed and grabbed my top from the side of the bed and pulled it over my head and got up from the bed and grabbed the present from James' hand. I ripped off the pink wrapping paper and a top fell out, I bent down and picked it up off the ground and looked over it and I burst out laughing and looked over at James who had a grin on his face.

“James why have you bought me a top with your face on it?” I asked trying not to laugh again “well I thought that because I am a super best friend and you need a top with my face on” I laughed and pulled it over my top and posed “do I look good in it?” I said laughing “ you look fantabulous” I laughed and ran put of my bedroom and downstairs and grabbed Harry's and James' present from by the couch and ran back up stairs. I opened my bedroom door and ran and jumped on my bed and gave Harry and James their presents and told them to open them “ go ahead, If you don’t like them I will take them back and get you something else”.

James was the first to open his present he pulled the Jacket up in the air and smiled at it “ I love it May” he pulled the Jacket on and smiled at me “ thank you May so much it's really nice” I smiled and turned to Harry “ your turn” I hoped he likes them seeing as he Is my boyfriend. Harry pulled the little amount of wrapping paper off the box and opened the box up and pulled the cuff links out of the box and looked over at them and up at me “ I love them so much thank you babe” he lent over and kissed me on the lips.

“well let me get my present for you May” Harry said getting up from the bed and grabbing his Jacket and pulling out a long box. Harry handed me the box and smiled at me “ sorry I didn't wrap it” I chuckled “ no it's fine” I smiled and pulled open the box and looked down at the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen and it looked expensive, I pulled It out of the box and handed it over to Harry and pulled my hair up so he could clip It on. 

Harry grabbed the necklace and put it around my neck clipping it on, i looked down and grabbed the flower that hung between my breasts "thank you so much Harry i love it" Harry smiled at me " I'm glad my beautiful girlfriend loves it"... "WOAH DID YOU SAY GIRLFRIEND?, MAY WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?" James shouted next to me in a faked shock " oh James dear I'm ever so sorry" i burst out laughing and fell into Harry and cuddled up to him.

"well love birds i shall leave and let you guys share your birthday morning together before May here has to go to school" James said leaving the room waving at us. I turned my head to Harry and smiled "Happy birthday baby" he smiled "Happy birthday to you my love" he lent down and kissed me on the lips " I want to take you out this evening for a birthday meal" i raised my eyebrow " but it is your 21st you should go out and get drunk with friends" Harry chuckled and dipped his head to my level " I'd rather spend my birthday with my beautiful girlfriend than get drunk".

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