Im Molly

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Molly's POV

My mum had just died when the bad things started. My mum and dad had broken up a few years before mum died because neither me or mum got along with dad but when mum died I was immediately passed onto my dads care. My dad didn't like me so when he received the letter from the funeral directors that he had to take me on he decided he would beat and starve me. Anyway I will tell you a little about me. I am 11 years old and my name is Molly. I am from Norfolk in England and I love singing, roller skating and hanging with friends although I can't do those things anymore now I'm at this orphanage.


"So then little lump of worthlessness you ready for your hours of beatings?"

Why was he asking me a question? I am not allowed to talk. Before I could even think about what to do next he was over the other side of the room picking up his beating stick and ready to slash my back open. He made me bend over so he could get to a good angle and before I knew it a hurricane of pain wreaked through my lower back. I yelped out in pain hoping that someone would hear but...


I just couldn't get it out of my head, all the things he did to me. Dads are meant to love their daughters and be there for them but not my dad.


So how do ya like my start then?! I am debating whether one direction comes in on the next paragraph or not.... Maybe....
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