New School

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Like every morning I wake up listening to Music, but this time Nightmare was playing. Groaning I rolled over I throw my dark purple comfy blanket off of me then climb out of bed.
Walking across the room to my bathroom I start my morning routine of showering, and shaving, then washing my red blonde hair in my coconut shampoo and conditioner. I then start scrubbing my body with a lavender gel body wash. I get out and pick out my undergarments which are a neon green bra and lace thong set. Pulling on my pitch black high waist shorts, blood red crop top and my black boots. I rush back into the bathroom to do my make up which consists of black winged eyeliner, two different kinds of mascara so my blue eyes look more light. After I apply a light amount of blush to my cheeks and my smoked purple lipstick to my plump lips. Running across the room I grab my new iPhone, my school bag, journal and my keys to my car and rush down stairs to the kitchen to see my parents sitting at the bar eating and laughing. "Hey guys. Are y'all ready for today? I know I am, well kinda... sorta....Well anyways what is for breakfast?" I ramble excitedly as I sit down. "Wow calm down baby and take a breath." My father chuckles while stuffing his face. Hearing an annoyed sigh to the right of me I see my mother shaking her head while trying not to laugh at my father. Turning looking at me she points at me with her fork and then to the table that's full of food. "Are you going to eat? We made your favorite for breakfast. There's coffee in the pot and I remembered to buy that creamer you like so much even though I got lost on the way to the store. Max this town is so big I think it'll take me forever to learn where everything is here. Also Katherine did you happen to go to the school to get your schedule for your classes? Will you need any money for lunch or for gas? No? Yes? Anyways just in case here's a fifty. Will that be enough for now???" She says extremely fast. Laughing I take the money and take another bite of my strawberry and banana pancakes that are drowned in syrup. Talking around a mouth full of food I notice the time. Alarmed I jump up and grab my things. "OMG I'm going to be late if I don't leave right now. Oh god where are my keys. Dad do you see them because I don't. Ugh..." "Katherine calm down and breathe your keys are right here beside your coffee now go and be careful. I'll see you when we get home from work." Nodding I take a breath and kiss them both and yell bye and then run out the door that leads into the hallway. Turning right and then left I finally make it to the regular hallway which leads to the front door and I might have forgotten to mention that I had live in a mansion. Jogging out the front door I slam the door close and walk up to my black '67 Chevy Impala I unlock and open the driver side door while tossing my bag down onto the passenger seat. Pressing on the brake and the clutch I start the car and hear it purr to life. Releasing the parking brake and putting the shifter into first I then release the regular brake and depress the clutch while adding gas to take off down my long driveway. Turning onto the country road that leads to the town I turn on my music to blare it and take off. Drifting onto another road I keep going only to see a blood red '85 C-10 catching up with me. We both slow down to come to a stop at the light just to have a dark blue '70 Challenger pull up on the other side of me. They both rev the engine in hello and take off when the light turns green. Turning down my music as I pull into the school parking lot and quickly getting out and I walk across the parking lot. Halfway across I glance around only to see both vehicles in the very front of the lot surrounded by four utterly ridiculously hot guys. The tallest of the group was wearing black jeans that hung from his hips and a blue v-neck t-shirt that clung to him and black boots. He had chin length brown wavy hair with tints of red that blended together to make his hair look dark brown almost black. A strong square jawline that was defined with a nose that been broken a few times. Green shamrock eyes that are surrounded by long thick eyelashes that drew you in. He was the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. He had to stand at around 6'3 the guy next to him was an inch or two shorter and had long wavy almost shoulder length dirty blonde hair that was a light brown. His face was a little bit more rounded but still defined. His eyes were covered by old school glasses that sat on a wide blunt nose and under his nose sat a wide mouth with big lips surrounded by deep laugh lines that proved he laughed a lot. He was wearing all black like everything was black from his glasses to his loose t-shirt to his fitted jacket to his belted jeans and tennis shoes. He seemed like was the baby of the group with the way he looked. He was leaning against the passenger side of the car with his backpack leaned up against his legs as he laughed at his friends that were smoking across from him. Drawing my eyes away from them two I glance across to the two smoking and realized that they are twins. They both had short blond hair with a rounded nose and small plump lips but other then that they were so different. The slightly shorter one was wearing a red sweater with black jeans and red converse shoes. He had brown eyes and darker blond hair that was a light brown that covered ears that had small red gauges in them. The taller twin was wearing a blue shirt with a gray jacket and blue jeans. His eyes were the color of the ocean. They were brought out because his hair was a very light blonde which showed diamond studded ears. I wonder how they were twins but with different colored eyes it weird but cool. Walking up to the front of the school I see a motorcycle speed past people and go around me and pull up and join the group of guys I have been looking at. Crazy much he going to hurt someone here while doing that. Sighing I turn without seeing what the person look like and go through the school doors and head to the front office. Glancing around I see the doors off to my left I head over there. " Hi Mrs. I'm new here and I needed to get my schedule." The lady looks up and smiles "Well hello there I'm Mrs.Wells. How are you doing today missy? Can I get your name please and if you need any help getting around just ask and someone will help you."
Smiling softly I nod and tell her my name and that I'll be fine for now. "Here you go dearie, here is the map of the school and your schedule for the rest of the semester. Will you need anything else?" She says happily. Taking the papers from her hand I reply "No thank you. I'll be okay for now." Turning around I glance down at the paper and see that I have 1st Algebra 2, 2nd History, 3rd English, 4th Science, C period lunch, 5th Art, 6th Music and lastly Gym. After studying the map I have to go up stairs and to the right and it should be on the left in the back. Okay well that shouldn't be to hard it's only on the second floor well I think it's there, why do they have to be three stories high. Well I'm up here. Now where do I go. Okay here there is a plaque saying the room numbers. Oh great I have to go up to the third floor just my luck that it's first period and it's on the third floor. "Sh!t. Ow! What the hell?" I curse as I hit the floor. Looking up and glaring I see one of the guys I saw earlier by the car. "What the hell dude, pay attention that fúckìng hurt," I said loudly just to draw everyone's attention over here. Great just great now everyone is talking and whispering. "Mind your own damn business people. Get a damn fùcking life and you need watch out next time." I yell as I grab my stuff and walk up the rest of the stairs. Looking back really quick I see him staring up at me amazed. Crap that was the bell great now I'm going to be late and it's only my first day and I'm already the last one here stupid a-hole. Knocking and opening the door I'm greeted with a glare from the teacher and the girls here and a few cat whistles. "Why are you late miss? I don't accept people being late to my class no matter if your new or not. Now go take a seat." He spits at me with a red face everybody ooo's. He sure got mad fast. " I'll go sit down geez calm down. It's not my fault I'm late some a-hole knocked me down." I reply as I go find a lab desk in the very back with three chairs. Sitting down I put one of my earbuds in and drown out the teachers annoying old man voice. "Well look at who finally decided to show up this time." Looking up I see the twins from earlier they shrug and scan the room over looking all the girls that happen to be adjusting themselves to show more skin. Wanna be girls, they need to get a life. Yeah they're hot but so what. Hearing to throats clear I look up and notice everyone watching us. Turning and looking at both guys I noticed that they're amused. "Do you need help if not quit staring at me. I'm trying to pay attention to the annoying teacher." When they don't reply I put my headphones back in and go back to looking at the front board. "You need to move your at our table and we don't like people in our spot. Go find somewhere else to sit." I hear because someone touched my headphones. Who they'll do they think they are touching my stuff that is a no no. Standing up and letting both guys think they have won I start to grin and snatch my earbuds back. "First of all don't touch my fùcking stuff. It is mine and not yours so hands off" I hear people gasp but I continue anyways. "Second if you wanted you're seat then you should have been here on time or at least beat me here. By the way thanks for making me late" I say glaring at the blue and brown eyed twins. "Thirdly there are only two more chairs and they happen to be on either side of me. That gives you a few options to pick from. One pick a chair and sit in it. If you don't want that then option two is sit in each others laps and if you don't want that one then you can just fùckìng stand there and stare for all I care. You have your three options so pick. For all the people recording this get a freaking life." Turning and putting my music back on I check my phone and see it's almost time to leave this class. I pack up my stuff as the bell rings and. head to Mr.Anderson's desk to have him sign my paper and head to the next class.

Okay everyone that made it to the end of the first chapter thank you all for reading. Please feel free to leave any comments in mistakes I had made. Chapter two will be here very soon and you all can meet the main guy character.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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