chapter 3:making friends

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Word count:1,485

I watched as people walked in then a guy came up to me he looked like he was trying to hide something.

"Hey im tonpa and I just wanted to know would you like some juice?" he said

"Umm no thanks I can tell thats not ordinary juice" he looked surprised

"Oh well now you know so I just wanna say im the rookie crusher" he said evilly

I rolled my eyes "I'm not scared of you ok bye" I walked away

Then three boys walked in one with blond hair,one with spiky black hair with green highlights,and one just had black spiky hair. Tonpa walked over to them with the juice they ended up not liking them. I giggled and walked over to them

"Hey" I said

"Hey" the one with black spiky hair with green highlights said

"You've met tonpa I see he said he's the rookie crusher" i said

"What really?!" the one with black hair said

"Yeah he offered me one but I said no and he told me so yeah anyway I'm Mikasa Uchiha​ but​ you can call me Mika if you want." I said smiling with my eyes closed that caught the blond ones attention

"Im Gon and this is Kurapika and Leorio!" he said

"Hey girly why dont you have a number badge?" Leorio said

"This girly has a name and I'm not participating in the hunter exams im a medical-nin" I said

"Whats a medical-nin?" asked Gon

"A medical-nin is someone who specializes is medical treatment of helping healing people" I said

"Really cool" Gon said

I laughed "yeah so why are you guys taking the hunter exams?"

"I gonna find my dad cause he's a hunter!" gon said

"I'd rather not say yet" Kurapika said I see he's starting to warm up to me. I guess.

"I just want money" leorio said I smiled cause he seemed to be lying but telling the truth

"Cool" I said

"So Mikasa you're a ninja?!" Gon said

I laughed again "yeah. You know you remind me of one of my friends back home" I said smiling

"What's your friends name?" Gon said

"Naruto Uzumaki. He's sometimes annoying but you see past that and get use to it!" I said

"So why did they invite you to heal people?" Kurapika asked

"I don't know to be honest they just invited me and told me" I said scratching the back of my head

"Mikasa?" I turned around to see beans

"Yes?" i questioned

"Mr.Netero said he would like you to participate in the first phase of the exams then we will escort you from there after" beans said

I nodded and bowed "thank you" he nodded and left

"Yay we get to hang out!" Gon said

I smiled "yeah"

"Hello everyone sorry to keep you waiting My name is Mr.Satoz and I will be escorting you to the second phase of the exam" a guy who looked pretty tall,had pink hair,a mustache with no mouth told us.

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